Winner? Winner.

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»Matt's POV«

I gave up on looking in the lobby, there were too many people. I moved out to the buffet, knowing Nicole's love for food and possible hiding spot.

I walked up to the lady at the podium that lead the guests to their tables.

"Hello, Miss. I can't find my friend. Have you seen a girl with light brown hair that reached her lower back, hazel eyes, wearing shorts and a tank-top with white sunglasses, has a beautiful smile and is about yei tall?" I asked and held my hand around my chin to show Nicole's height.

She gave me a look, probably thinking I'm crazy because of my description I gave of Nicole.

"I'm sorry sir, I haven't seen her. Maybe you could ask the front desk." She replied.

"Oh, okay, thank you though," I said as I strolled towards the outdoor pool.

"Sir, the front desk is that way," the lady from the buffet called out, pointing in the opposite direction.

"I know," I called back.

»Nicole's POV«

So Jack, Jack, Mahogany and I are still in the game. Mahogany was still at the pool side bar, drinking what looked like a tropical drink.

Matt keeps on asking me where I am, but he knows I won't tell him.

The pool was pretty crowded and there was a huge mob of people by the door to the hotel from the pool.

At this point, I finished scrolling through my mentions and moved to snapchat. I was about to take a selfie when this 13 looking year old approached me with excitement.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but you're Nicole from vine, right?" She asked.

"Uh huh, you watch my videos?" I replied.

"Yeah, and I love them! If you don't mind, could I get a picture?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed then adjusted myself so I was sitting on the edge and she took a few pictures. There was a normal one, one where we did Shawn's peace sign, one where we were cross-eyed, and the last one we got a random stranger to take a picture of us hugging.

"Thank you so much, Nicole! I love you so much!" She exclaimed while walking away.

"Don't forget to tag me in them wherever you post them so I can follow you!" I called after her.

"Okay! I will!" She called back.

I was waving to her as she walked away when my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

I whipped it out of my pocket and saw who it was, or if Matt was stalking from afar.

Turns out it was Jack J;

Jack J: Mayday! Mayday! I think Aaron is coming around the corner!

I responded with;

Nicole: go find him! See if he is around the corner!

Jack G: no! When we would get caught for sure!

Mahogany: that's the point

Jack J: So what you guys are saying is that hiding in a supply cart is a bad idea

Jack G: And dressing up as a housekeeper is a stupid thing to do in this game

Nicole: Omg, Aaron better get a picture of that before you take it off

Then I got a message from the group chat, from Aaron with a picture attached.

Aaron: Jack and Jack are frickin' out

Then there were a bunch of 'lols' some 'hahas' and some comments on Jack and Jack's 'hiding' spot.

After a minute or so, the conversation kept going.

Cam: Hey, who's still in?

Nicole: Count how many groups are out

Nash: Ain't nobody got time for that

Mahogany: Nicole and I are the only ones still in


Jack J: No shit sherlock, they're the onlt one left

Matt: Hey Nicole, where are you?

Taylor: Why, you miss her already?

Nicole: I miss him, and the pool

Matt: Taylor, tell me when you get a girlfriend and when you miss her

Mahogany: Awwh, you guys are so cute!

Hayes: I want a relationship like them

Nash: Hayes, you're 14

Hayes: so?

Cam: Calm down bro, don't go all thirsty on me

*Authors Note*

Go ahead, say you hate me. I know I haven't updated in 3.16382831793529 years. I have no excuses, I just get pretty lazy writing when I spend time with family. I'm going to try, TRY, and write more chapters. And 800+ reads?!? Wow. Thanks for putting up with the delay in updating.

Thanks, love you and keep reading!


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