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»Nicole's POV«

Right after I screamed my head off, I threw myself out of bed and into Matts' arms. We squeezed the shit out if each other, (figuratively) because of our of excitement. We were getting the chance to meet the people that helped us get to the place we are now. The letter said that our plane will leave in four days.

"MATT!! GET MY SUITCASE OUT OF MY CLOSET!!!" I yelled. What? I'm excited as fudge-nuggets!

"OKAY?!" He yelled back.

"OMG! OKAY. TFIOS QUOTE!" I screamed. "Okay, I'm done yelling, my throat hurts now"

"Haha, okay?"

"Mattchew, stawp!" I said like that other popular guys' mom from vine.

We started to pack my clothes, I packed my underwear, socks, pants and shorts, and my tops. But of course Matt ran to my bra drawer.

"Do I look sexy?" He said in a girly voice with my hot pink Victoria's Secret lacey bra on.

"Oh totes!" I said, full of sarcasm.

"Oh, shanks gurl" he said, still with that fake girly voice.

"Okay, one, we don't say 'shanks' and two, give me my bra so I can finish packing."

"Finee" he sighed, dragging out the 'e'.

I finished packing my stuff, having a total of one large suitcase and my backpack as my carry-on. Were going to be away from home for just about two weeks, I need a different outfit for at least a complete week.

We then walked over to Matts' house, and I 'helped' him pack his things. By 'helped', I mean he picked out his few favorite shirts and bottoms, and me getting the rest, including his boxers.

"Really, Matt? Spongebob boxers?" I said as I held up that pair.

"They were only two dollars" he whispered.

"Okey-dokey then!"

I finished packing his stuff, then we went downstairs to his living room to chill.

"Hey Nic? Can you promise me something?" he asked.

"Well, it depends, what is it?"

"Promise me that if we get more popular, you never change, I love you just the way you are" he said, then suddenly, the chorus of Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars came on.

I looked at him and he was holding his phone up, playing the song. I gave him a funny look. He laughed a little, but then gave me a serious look.

"But for real Nic, I need you to promise me that, I just don't want to loose you because I love you..." Then he waited for the chorus again, "Just the way you are."

"Matt, I would never change for anything or anyone. But you have to promise me something too, alright?"

"Yeah, anything"

"You have to do two things...okay?" He nodded, "Promise me that you won't change either."

"Never have, never will,"

"And you have to promise to tell the truth about what I'm going to ask you next,"

"I will promise to tell you anything, everything and the completely honest truth." He said with one hand over his heart and the other in the air.

"How do you really feel about me?" I asked.

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