Night Before

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°Nicole's POV°

"Ugh, Matt!" I groaned. He was trying to pick me up as we were walking up to our rooms after our game of hide and seek.

"Why don't you want me to carry you?" He asked, attempting to pick me up agagin.

"Because I'm too heavy, I don't want you to drop me or hurt yourself." I responded.

"Nicole, don't say that. You're as light as air."

"No I'm not..." I whispered under my breath. We got to our floor of the hotel. I started yo walk to my room, but Matt dragged me to his room.

"Hey Carter, can you pick Nicole up?" He asked.

"Probably," Carter said.

"No, don't you dare.", I said as I started by I walk away, but Carter caught up to me and wrapped his arms around my hips and effortlessly lifted me off the ground.

"Dude, she's like a feather!" Carter exclaimed.

"Okay, now put me do-"

"I know right!?! I was trying to pick her up but she thought she was too heavy." Matt explained.

"That's bullshit, Nicole! I'm pretty sure you weigh ninety pounds! No need to sugarcoat the truth!"

"Whatever," I said as I squirmed out of his grip and walked to the door.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Matt asked as his arms snaked around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I was going to go rest, the show is tomorrow, remember?" I ansewerd.

"Yeah, but it's only eight thirty."


"Ok, if you're going to bed, at least give me a goodnight kiss,"

I turned around with his arms still around me. I looked up into his eyes, and started to lean in.

With our lips only two inches apart, I could feel butterflies. No matter what he does, I get them.

Just as we were going to kiss, the door opened and Nash's head popped in. My head snapped away from Matt's, and his did the same, looking at the door.

"...Hey guys. I was wondering if you all wanted yo be in a video of mine for YouTube?" Nash asked, with a light shade of pink on his cheeks. Enough to say he was...blushing?

"Sure, your room, right? Matt asked

"Yeah, I'm just setting up. Come over when ever you're ready." Nash responded then left after Matt and I nodded.

"Haha, he broke up your cutesy couple moment," Carter stated.

"Shut up Carter."

°Nash's POV°

"Hey Cam, want to help me film a video for YouTube?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"I'll get the rooms to the right, you get the left," he instructed.

"Okay, tell them I'm setting up and to be in our room in a few minute if they want to be in it," I said as I followed Cameron out of the door, closing it behind me.

The first door to the right was Jack and Jack's room. I knocked, and waited until the door was opened by Jack G.

"Hey guys, want to be in a video for YouTube?" I asked as Jack J. walked into the main partnpglf the room.

"Sure, is bit going to be right now?" Jack G. asked.

"No, like in five minutes. Cam and I are getting everybody and setting up. See you guys in a few?"

"Yeah, we'll be there," Jack J. replied.

After Jack closed the door, I moved on to Matt and Carter's room. Again, I knocked, because I didn't have a key to their room either. 

When I knocked, the door slightly opened, so I poked my head in.

Matt and Nicole were leaning in to kiss each other, then snapped their heads to my direction, probably because they saw the door open. Carter was just sitting on the bed behind them, watching them.

"...Hey guys. I was wondering if you all wanted yo be in a video of mine for YouTube?" I asked, feeling my cheeks get red from walking in on them.

"Sure, your room, right? Matt asked.

"Yeah, I'm just setting up. Come over when ever you're ready." I replied, then leaning out of the room.

As I closed the door, I felt something, a new emotion. The one you would call jealousy. The first time I saw Nicole, I think I fell in love with her.

But she's with Matt...

*Authors Note*

Hate to break it to you, but this chapter is up because I had a snow day today. So updates probably won't be coming this frequently. Sorry.

And if you guys ever want to chat, you can private message me.

I had this idea for a new story, so I'm going to post that one after I have a few chapters to it.


THIS STORY IS ALMOST TO 1,000 READS HOLY CRAP!! Share this story because I'm so close and I love you all

Thank you again, love you


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