Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

            Helen is the first person to greet me when I reach the office. I let her know David is okay.

“Let me know if Harold and I can do anything, Quiana. We will use our house for collateral if you need.” I thank her and assure her I will let her know if I need her. In the office I buzz Annette, David’s secretary to come to my office.

            “Annette,” I begin as soon as she enters “I need you to call the temp service and order someone with paralegal skills. Then schedule a phone conference for ten o’clock. I need to speak to Charles Scott at the bank, the project foreman and my brother, Jeremy Lincoln. While we are talking, would you get me a report for the payroll account? I need to know if all payroll and payroll taxes are current. Then bring me up to date on all business related messages for David.”

            I can see the concern in Annette’s eyes. I round the desk and give her a hug. “Everything will be okay. Please don’t worry.”

            Her eyes quickly fill with tears. “I love my job Mrs. Lawrence. I believe you and I will do all I can to help. About Mr. Lawrence’s calls, a nursing home has been calling. I told her to call back in an hour because I did not know he had been arrested.”

            “Thanks. When the call comes in transfer it to me.”

            I went to David’s desk and begin to prepare a check list for my conference call. As I am working, a woman’s face pops in my mind. She had given me a card at a luncheon. I remember her business card stating she practiced criminal law. Something about her told me she was good at her job. I pulled up her web page and it was impressive. I reached for the phone and called Lisa Shultz’s cell number on her business card.

            She answered the second ring and remembered me. She also knew David and said she had planned to try to reach him today. “I have worked with David. I think I am a good judge of character plus I know of Pauline. I was sorry to hear he was dating her. She was a social climber and too aggressive for my nature.”

            I asked about her fee. I hung up knowing her fee could run has much as four hundred thousand. She said she would need fifty thousand to start to review the case, bail him out and review any charges and evidence. I assured her she would have the deposit on her fee before the end of the day.

            My next call was to my financial planner. I asked her to email me a current report including cash value of all my holdings. Charles Moore called as I hung up. “Quiana is David okay and how are you?”

            “I am holding on Charles. I need your help. How much money do I have in the Legal Rites account in St. Louis? How much is needed to not freeze the financing on the housing project?

            Charles is silent for a minute. “Quiana, I forgot about that account. It is not attached to this project. I will email you the information in a few minutes.”

            Annette buzzes to tell me a Mrs. Boyd from the Meadows is holding. I answer and learn that Erma Turner is Pauline’s mother and she must be transferred from their center if her fees are not current by next Friday. I promise to let her know by this Friday if we will be able to help.

            Finally I call my brother at his office. Lincoln Security also provides investigation services. I request a check into Pauline Turner’s finances. I bring him up to date and he promises to call back by the end of the day with my information.

            Belle rushes in my office as I am standing up. “Call me if you need me to take care of Carrie or help you.” She gives me a big hug and rushes out. I smile because I may have a new friend even if she does still have a crush on my husband.


            No time for lunch as I carefully review the HUD application for funding. I made a copy and marked the document with red ink. As I review my marked pages, something catches my attention. I call Charles back and asked for information on the current value of the property the housing is being constructed on. Charles calls me back and tells me the property cost one hundred seventy thousand dollars. The current value is three hundred fifty dollars. I ask him to have the bank send me a certified letter stating the current value and his real estate department to send me comps for the value of land in the area.

            Candace calls to tell me she has picked up DJ and Carrie. She is home cooking dinner for my children. They will come home about nine tonight. Good. I make a quick call to Lisa and share with her where I am going. I want to be sure I cannot be charged with bribery. Then I call Lyle and tell him I need a special floral arrangement for a sick girlfriend. After a quick stop to pick up the lovely arrangement, I head to Mercy Hospital.

            The intensive care unit at Mercy Hospital is quiet. I must register and am given a name tag. Going to the waiting room, I find several people waiting. Some resting, some reading and some watching the wall mounted television. My tag states I can be admitted in forty minutes. Times goes by quickly as I work on a document on my tablet. Glancing at my watch, I go to the restroom then to visit my agent.

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