Chapter 1

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Blood dripped from a dogs mouth as it picked a kitten up by it's scurf. The wolf carried the kitten gently to it's den. It laid the kitten next to a soon to be mother she-Cat. Soon the wolf bounded away quietly in the night.

The sun slowly rised up and the mother she-cat awoken, than saw the kitten feeling confused than sadness she curled around the kitten to keep it warm. The she-cat looked up to see snow falling onto the ground. "Looks like winter is coming" the she told herself quietly. The kitten stirred than awoke opening her big beautiful blue eyes and looked up at the she-cat. The kitten meowed wanting to know who the cat was but the she-cat sighed not understanding the kitten. Than a wolf walked in carrying a dead mouse in his teeth.

He stood and saw the kitten "SummerFall who's that?" The wolf asked the young she-cat puzzled. "I don't know she was here when I woke up" SummerFall admitted. The kitten pawed the wolf's leg playfully. He pushes the kitten more into SummerFall away from him. "Raise her than" he said looking at both SummerFall and the kitten. The kitten meowed loudly at the wolf with wide blue eyes. "I'll name her Angel" SummerFall said nuzzling the kitten.

Angel ran after a black kitten named Night, angel leaped and pinned night to the ground purring. Angel was much bigger than her litter mate. "Ow! Why do we play this?" Night asked under angel. "Cause SummerFall made me in charge of you silly" Angel purred tauntingly at night.

After a while a group of cats and dogs walked to a bush and marked it one of the cats walked over, and grabbed night by the scurf. "Hey! Let me go!" Night tried to get out of the cat's grip. Angel yelled at the cat "Leave him alone yo-!" One of the dogs grabbed Angel and threw her like a rock. "Stay out of this puny kitten" the dog growled angrily at Angel. Night was dreaming and whimpering in fear, Angel got up and leaped up biting the cat's nose, causing the cat to drop night. Night ran away from the cat in terror. The wolf grabbed Angel by her tail and threw her into a tree sending a spike of pain threw Angel's spine, than flopped to the ground. The cat walked over with it's claws out than clawed above the eye and side leaving a gash. Angel screamed in agony as blood filled her eyes blurring her sight but she heard loud paw steps coming towards the area. She heard night whimpering as she heard SummerFall but the sound was hard to hear.
Soon rain came down sending ripples of pain through Angel from the cuts. When she tried to move her eyes sharp pain beckoned onto her. The you of lightening was making Angel feel empty and alone in a storm. She layed their surrounded by pain.

"Will she be ok?" SummerFall asked with fear in her voice. "I don't know, her wounds are serious." A new voice said to SummerFall. Angel tried opening her eyes but pain shoot through her again. The sounds of the storm came back like a wave of terror. "C-can't you help her?" One of SummerFall's kitten's asked. "I'm sorry leaf but-" before the other voice could speak silence fell on Angel.

Weeks after the attack Angel couldn't see from her left eye for a long time. Angel sat in the den she was being nursed in, like a helpless kitten. A sleek blueish elder she-cat walked over nuzzling Angel's wounds. "Your healing nicely" the she-cat said with a quiet purr. "SadLeaf? When can I go out and play?" Angel asked feeling bored for being helped back. "I don't know Angel" SadLeaf sounded down and sad. SadLeaf took a few moments before saying "your as strong as SummerFall when she was young" grief was edging sadleaf's voice. "How do you know SummerFall anyways?" Angel asked
"I'm her sister" SadLeaf sounded a bit better. "Me and her use to be nightClan, than she got banished." SadLeaf said, those words sent chills down Angel's painful spin.

Cats Wolves and Foxes(book 1): Angel's destinyWhere stories live. Discover now