Chapter 15 Long Ways from Home and Safety

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Angel Awoken from the fading light of the moon. The light seeped into the cave and onto Angel. She looked at Curse who was asleep next to her. She gently nudged him gently hopping to wake him up. He woke up yawning than looked at Angel with his eye. Angel got up and helped him to his paws. They padded to the entrace together side by side into the nice and warm night. They started heading toward s the badlands but they stoped when they started to hear rustling. They looked at the bush as a branch from a tree fell onto the bush, what ever was in the bush made a yelp of an 'ow'. A huge wolfish looking cat he was twice the size of Angel, he was a brown tabby wolf with big brown cat eyes and a scar running across his face. the scar ran all the way from the tip of his right ear all the way over his right eye and under his left eye and ended at his cheek. " I thought I smelt a NightHunter" the huge tom snickered abit. "What do you want Legion?" Curse asked with a low snarl and growl in his throat. "Just wondering why theirs a NightHunter in this forest" Legion snapped at Curse which made Curse fall onto his back. "I'm looking for a friend named Bones" Angel said.  "Bones? Ah yes my friend, last time I saw him he was at the Clans" Legion said sounding alittle pleased strangely that made Angel feel awkward. He looked over Angel and examined her. "You're Angel?" Legion asked. "Yes I am" She said confirming him. Legion steped closer to Angel and Curse got to his paws "Than Bones was right" Legion said than looked at Curse than said "I'm sorry Curse." "Sorry for what? Killing my family? and blinding my mother before I was born?" Curse snarled at him. "What happened?" Angel asked tilting her head. "If you wish to hear the story I shall tell you" Legion said looking at Angel and she said "yes."

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