Chapter 40 The end

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Angel felt a serge of pain and agony shock through her, she knew what it was her kitpups were coming! ShadowStorm helped her lay on the snow as she screamed in agony. He laid a paw on hers and said "Angel push! And take deep breaths!" She did so she pushed and took deep breaths she kept doing so till the first kitpup was born Angel panted and started to push the second one, but Angel's eyes widen she saw her niece right infront of her but ShadowStorm didn't seem to see her. The she grinned wickedly as her razor teeth showed and her long sharp claws unsheathed. Angel scream as she pushed and whimpered than the she spoke "Your part of the prophecy is over Auntie!" The she slashed Angel's throat clean open. Angel couldn't breath than the she stabbed her claws into Angel's heart, everything turned grey and start to blur as Angel coughed up her own blood. "ANGEL! Plea-" before Angel could hear what ShadowStorm was yelling all Angel saw and heard was nothing but a dim voice speaking "Angel, your time has come when you join GodClan and watch over your clan" Angel tried to speak in the darkness but nothing came out but she saw a hill so she went up it. She knew what had happened, She was murdered by her own niece!

Cats Wolves and Foxes(book 1): Angel's destinyWhere stories live. Discover now