Chapter 4 Bloodshed at Moon Cave

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A wolf stalked stalked closer to see a she-cat. The cat was taking some prey, the wolf perked its ears before a cat came out the shadows taunting the cat "good hunting today. How'd you find that prey leaf?" The she growled at the other cat, he backed up getting scared before a group of about ten cats and a wolf walked inside the cave. "Snow, curve and feather watch the entrance" the wolf commanded. "So when is the kittens due?" Feather asked snow. "Soon I hope" snow admitted. The wolf silently slid down the steep slope that went down into the cave. The cats ate unknowing of the wolf's presents. The wolf pounced on feather and snow, snow screamed in fear and terroir while feather yelled out "Night Hunter!" Snow whimpering in such fear she begged the wolf to not hurt her "please don't hurt me!" Soon feather clawed at the wolf than the wolf bite his jaws around feather's throat and ripped it clean open. Curved screamed in terroir causing some rocks to collapse and block the entrance. Te sound of a huge battle sounded on the other side.

Hours later the sound of war died down and the faint sounds of cats moving the rocks were heard. Snow and Curved stayed back so scared but the wolf stood in front of them. The scent of blood and death filtered into the cave. Snow and curved curled in a ball like it was their last moments. The rocks opened and right when a cat walked in the wolf leapt and ripped the new cat's side clean open. Another came and bit the wolf's tail. The wolf grab the cat on his tail and threw the cat into the wall. The wolf than pinned the cat and stabbed his long claws into the cat and cut down to the tail tip. Two more cats jumped onto the wolf, he yowled but flung himself down on his back to crush the cats with his weight. He suffocated the cats then two wolves came in snarling, they came at the wolf who killed the cats. But the wolf was much faster than the two others. He stabbed his claws into one of the wolfs and sliced the other wolf's side and belly open for a quick and painless kill. The other wolf that didn't get touched rammed the night hunter wolf into a wall. The night hunter stabbed this claws into the other wolf's throat and sliced it open kicking the wolf off him letting the bleeding body hit the other dead wolf. Snow and Curve ran over to the night hunter "why'd you protect us?" Curve asked. "Who are you?" Snow asked tilting her head.

Angel woke up with a jolt, she looked around than saw Luna next to a puddle. Angel hauled herself up and limped to Luna. "Luna? Can I ask you something?" Angel asked, Luna nodded and listen to Angel as she described the wolf to Luna.

Sadly Luna had no information about the wok in Angel's dream. Angel wondered what this dream was about so Angel wondered till she found a cave, the inside was stained and covered in a red almost blood red tint. Angel saw the outline of a Tom laying in the cave his back to Angel. Angel walked over quietly than asked with a stutter "h-hello?" The cat looked at Angel and she saw a flash of something in the Tom's eyes. "Cloud?" The cat sound as though he though Angel was cloud "who's cloud?" Angel felt stupid asking. "Snow's lost daughter." He replied with a strange tone that sounded familiar. "Who are you?" "I'm Curve." "Curve? The one with the wolf and Snow?"
"How'd you know?"
"I had a dream of this cave."
"Than do you know the wolf stole you?"
"No, wait stole?"
Curve nodded.

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