Chapter 13 The Choice

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Angel awoke at the sounds of an owl cawing over head. She could feel the freezing bone chilling sand under her, which felt worse than the tunnel. Angel looked up at the star covered sky her heart flourished seeing the star constalation, of a cat Luna told Angel that SummerFall is apart of the constanlastion as a star. Angel leaped up onto a rock and breathed in the cold air. The rock felt warm thanks to the sun constantly being on the rock. Angel looked up and saw a hawk but she ignored it.

Angel stopped at a large ravine and looked down at the bottomless hole. She looked up and saw the giant towering walls almost flat but with ridges. She looked around for a way across than she saw a fallen tree, it looked rotten but it was the only way back. She walked over to the tree and placed a paw 'on it and gulped seeing the distance to get a cross. She took a few deep breaths as the got onto the unstable tree. She started to go across she could feel the tree rottening and weakening every time she stepped. The sound of the tree crumbling and breaking made Angel to start running across the tree. She got across and relized she left her food on the other side. The tree suddenly broke and fell into the ravine. She turned and saw a forest than she felt her heart flutter in joy she'd been traveling for a few days now. She ran towards the Forest, her heart pounded happily as she skidded to the soft cool dirt on her paws. The smelled the prey and tree smell which made her happier so she started to hunt for some food. She started to eat a mouse but it had no taste, infact it made Angel's belly turn making her want to throw up. She Quickly ran to the pond and looked at her reflection and saw her eye, blood red long fangs jutting out and her pelt as white as bones, fresh to the air. Her heart dropped at the sight of her new self. Angel bit her fangs into the mouse and tried to drink the blood from the mouse. But the Taste tasted like a rotten prey, her belly flipped again. She instantly dropped the prey and walked towards a cave feeling like something was pulling her down to the ground. She collapsed at the entrance than she could taste the rotten food taste her mind and vision went black.

Cats Wolves and Foxes(book 1): Angel's destinyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin