Chapter 16 Worse Than Death and of Fearing Fangs

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Legion Walked over over red hot rocks following a sleek she-cat. They went into the same forest Angel was at now. "Shadow Mal? Where are we going?" Legion asked the she. The she gave Legion an evil glare. " We have someone to kill for good prey." Shadow Mal said looking at Legion with nothing but blood lust in her eyes. She had a black and grey fur. "How far are we from this Cat or Wolf?" Legion asked as they walked. When the sun was setting they went and laid in a cave on the hard rocky ground. But Legion saw a nest and Shadow Mal said " You should rest on the moss bed I made for you." "But why I'm not a warrior yet." Legion commited feeling alittle stupid. "After this you will be a Warrior" Shadow Mal said, which felt strange to him since she'd only been nice to him when he was meeting her. Something felt off and wrong. "Why are you being so nice?" Legion asked he may have hated her but it was more of a friendly hate to her. "Cause of reasons" she said her face darkening, than it hit Legion like hail, something WAS wrong. "Are you thinking of leaving the Exiled life? You can't leave us, Your so Young!" He asked worriedly since she was the best part of his life was the respect. "I want to have a mate, and I don't want this life for my kin" She said ass if it pained her. They went silently for hours before they fell asleep.

Sunlight woke Legion from his peaceful slummber, He got to his paws and looked to his side to see Shadow Mal sleeping and snoring like normal. Legion sat up than heard Shadow Mal coughing alittle in her sleep. Legion thought for a while than he smelt a small scent of rat. He went over to her and examined her to see a rat biting on her hind leg. Quickly Legion grabbed the mouse pulled it than killed it on a rock. He quickly got some cobwebs than placed them firmly on her wound stopping the bleeding. He laid next to her and slept their with her for four whole days, till her wound healed. Then they left the cave to continue their hunt of a wanted cat. He helped Shadow Mal letting her lean on him for support. Since she had to limp. They could hear some running water roaring as it ran down a cliff into a lake. Legion led Shadow Mal into a cave where he laid her to rest for a bit. Than he walked to the lake where he could hear the running water fall. He stopped and drank some of the water, but he stopped as he saw an outline of something in the lake. He looked closely than saw what it was, a beautiful silverly white she-cat trying to swim up. Without Legion knowing he instantly jumpped in and swam to the She and grabbed her scruf and dragged her to shore. Legion dragged her into the cave carefully.

He laid next to her for a few hours before she started to groan as she was slowly waking up. His legs felt numb and his back had a bleeding cut, which he didn't feel till he got into the cave. He gave her prey as Shadow Mal looked at Legion like he was crazy. "Let me help you" Legion said as he laid next to the she.

Cats Wolves and Foxes(book 1): Angel's destinyWhere stories live. Discover now