Chapter 9 The NightShades

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Angel woke up in her den where she slept with Luna. Bones walked to the cave while the huge waterfall outside pounded on the stone walls outside the cave. Bones sat at the entrance Angel looked at him than shortly after a huge gust of wind entered the cave making every inch of Angel's fur to ripple. Bones looked at Angel than walked to her. He sat next to Angel and wrapped his tail around her as he kept her warm with his warm smoke like fur layers. Luna walked in carrying a hawk in her jaws she dropped it than yelled "OUTSIDE NOW!" "As you wish" bones said as he got up and went out the entrance. Angel felt anger building up in her chest. She walked after bones but she growled at Luna before she left the cave. Angel sat next to bones as the cold night crept into her fur. "I'm sorry Luna's mean to you Bones." Angel said trying to confront him. Angel felt many tiny rain drops pounding onto her but they felt nice as Angel looked at the sky black clouds covered it, lightening flashed every few minutes. Thunder boomed than Angel remember something, her half brother was still gone! Angel quickly got on her paws, she ran to where the wolves and cats had him last. But when she entered it was empty. Suddenly something huge pinned her to the ground. She looked up than saw her half brother Night and two other cats and a wolf. Night bit into Angel's neck she could feel the teeth in her neck closing her air way. She gasped for air Angel felt blood coming our of the wound as the blood trickled from her neck running out like a stream. Suddenly everything went black, Angel opened her eyes and saw a tumbling wolf over her. "You will be reborn Alost kind" it said to her then everything went to darkness again.

Suddenly when Angel opened her eyes she say blood and felt pain in her neck. Her pelt felt cold and heavy and damp while rain still pounded on her. Angel got up and saw traces of the cats and wolf but not of Night. The words the wolf told Angel suck in her head, closing her eyes she felt pain shooting through her like lightening though her whole neck. Angel tried yowling in pain but nothing came out just a gasp.

Cats Wolves and Foxes(book 1): Angel's destinyWhere stories live. Discover now