Chapter 9

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"Momo our choreography is awesome right?"Seulgi asked to Momo then show the choreo to Jennie.

"Where's the awesome there?"Jennie said then rolled her eyes.

Momo come in front of them.

"The moves! Duh. You can't appreciate it because you're not a dancer. But if you're a dancer then you'll know how good it is."Momo said and smile.

"Right Jen. Especially if Kai is your instructor. Gosh you'll memorize the step in a span of time. He's great!"Seulgi added.

"Wait Kai? As in the Kim Jongin?"

"Uhuh! Actually he's the one who taught us the moves that I'd show you earlier."

"The hell? Why the fuck you didn't tell me?"Jennie asked frowning.

"You didn't ask."Seulgi rolled her eyes then sat.

"It's so fucking awesome Seulgi! Show me again! Faster."Jennie excitedly uttered.

"What's with you Jen? Earlier you're fighting with me that the moves were not awesome and now that I'd tell you that Kai was the---wait. AHA! Kai is your crush?"Seulgi asked eyes widened.

Jennie blush hardly and then look down.

"Omo! Lisa and Joy needs to know this! Where are they? Where are theyyy!"Seulgi said then roamed her eyes around the room.

"Can you please shut up? Don't tell them! And please lower your voice for fuck's sake. They will tease me you bummer!"Jennie said annoyed.

"But they need to know! And where the hell are they?"

"I said don't tell them or else. And the hell did you forget already? They are in the guidance office because of you."Jennie mumbled.

"Oh shit. I forgot."Seulgi chuckled.

Jennie once again go to her own world that full of Kai. She smiled widely.
Hmmm the moves are sexy. Maybe Kai will be sexier if he's the one dancing it.

"Jennie it's lunch time already. Stop your day dreaming and get up. We're going to the cafeteria. Maybe Lisa and Joy are already there."Seulgi interrupted Jennie.

"I'm not day dreaming! You delusional!"

"Whatever you say."

"Don't tell it to Lisa and Joy, Seul. Keep it a secret or else I'll forget you as my friend."Jennie warned her.

It's not that she don't want to tell it to them. It's just that she's not ready for their tease.

"Grr. That Seulgi! I wanna punch her face right now! It's her fault why we're here. Ahhhh she's so annoying."Joy ranted.

"Stop that Joy. You think letting out your rant will save us here?"Lisa asked her.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."she replied and make face.

"Childish."Lisa mumbled.

Lisa and Joy were sent at the guidance office by their math professor. They were accused cheating. Even though it was Seulgi who cheated at them, they were the one who got accused.

"If this happen again, I'll let the School Council to give you a punishment. Understand?"The School Head said strictly.

"Yes ma'am. We're very sorry, we promise you that this will not gonna happen again."Lisa the one who answered smile nervously.

"Good. You may go out."

"Thanks God! We finally got out of that hell!"Joy happily said and jumped.

"God Joy! Stop that! You look like a kid. Oh my god why I'm even friends with you?"Lisa said and walked pass at Joy.

"Hey wait for me you monkey!"

"Jen is that Kai?"Seulgi asked and point at someone.

"Where?"Jennie asked quickly.

"Just kidding."Seulgi answered and laugh.

"You think you're funny?"she can't do anything but rolled her eyes.

"Wait. I'm sure at this time. That's Kai!"Seulgi again pointed at someone.

"Kai your face."Jennie said doesn't care of what Seulgi's saying.

"Jennie it's really Kai! Go talk to him. I'll just head first to the cafeteria so I can order our food."Seulgi said while her eyes are focus on Kai.

"Where---oh yeah sure go ahead."she said and immediately made her way to the tree where Kai is sitting.

"Break a leg!"

"Hi."Jennie shyly greeted Kai.

"Oh hello."Kai immediately stop reading the book and greeted back Jennie."How may I help you?"he added while smiling.

"Uhm I-I just wanna ask i-if where's the Engineering Department?"The words just came out of her mouth instead of saying what she wanted to say.

"Ah it's the department where I'm in."Kai said.
Of course I know Kai, you're there. It's just that, my mouth is bad at talking. Argh.

"You want me to take you there?"he offered smiling again.

No, stop smiling. I might melt.

"Uhm no need. Just tell me the direction, I can handle it." Fuck Jennie it was your chance then you just wasted it. Are you crazy?

"Are you sure?"Kai asked again.

"Yeah I'm sure."Jennie smiled at him.

Kai tell her the direction that she needs to take willingly.

Can I keep you in my heart forever?

"You get it?"he asked.

"Yes. Thank you sunbaenim."she bowed.

"Oh no need to call me like that. Just call me Kai or whatever you want just don't call me sunbaenim."he introduced his self.

Can I call you mine then?

"Sorry."she smile shyly. Great Actress Jen. "I'm Jennie by the way. Nice to meet you mi- I mean Kai."she said as she offered her hand.

Kai gladly accept it and shake their hands.

His hand is soft, god. I think I'm gonna die.

She said her farewell to Kai before leaving. Kai just smiled at her again then read his book.

Wahhh! This day seems for me.

"Happy Monthsarry to us Hon."

Lisa greeted by those words as she entered the cafeteria. The Happy Lisa earlier is now a hurt one once again.


Hello good evening! Here's the update hope you like it. Sorry for the grammars and errors!

Stay safe and stay hydrated guys!

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