Chapter 16

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Hello!Sorry if I made you wait. Something came up but now I'm okay. Hope you'll enjoy this!


"Where's that fucking Suho bitch?!"Seulgi said and was about to go when Lisa stopped her.

"Gosh Seul calm down. I'm okay now. And besides we're even because I fought back. So now sit down and relax."Lisa rolled her eyes.

The four are now in the field. It's their vacant time because their professor didn't come.

Lisa told them about what happened yesterday that's why Seulgi became aggressive. You can't blame Seulgi, she really loves Lisa. Of course as a friend and a sister nothing more.

"Lisa is right. And fucking Seul don't engage yourself into fight. Do you want to go at the guidance office too?"Jennie said and smacked her.

"You are really brutal sometimes Jen. I hate you."Seul pout and scratch her neck.

"Well, Lisa you said you want to tell us something important. What is it?"Joy raised her eyebrows and closed her book.

Lisa is having a second thought. If she will tell it now or maybe next time.
But it will happen on Monday so there's no next time. I'm nervous. They might over react.

"Lisa? Are you okay?"Jennie asked this time.

Lisa just nodded and sighed. How can I tell it?

"Uhm, dad invites the three of you to the engagement party that will happen this Monday."Lisa said in a low tone.

The three creased their eyebrows. Confused.

"Your dad will marry another woman? How about aunt?"Seulgi said and cover her mouth when she realized what she said.

"Or one of your oppa already find their forever?"Joy added.


"Then who?"the three said in chorus.

Lisa didn't say something. She just stay quiet. Afraid to see what will be their reaction.

"If it's not them then it's you?"Jennie said and laugh.

Joy and Seulgi also laugh because of Jennie's joke.

"Yes."Lisa flatly replied.

The three stop laughing and looked at each other. They can't believe it. Last time they checked Lisa is not over to Irene yet. Then now they will know that she's going to engage?

"You serious?"Jennie managed to talk.

"I'm hella serious."Lisa answered and lay on the grass.

"With whom?"Joy asked and also lay beside Lisa.

"You will know. Just go there and I'm sure that the three of you will be surprise."Lisa smirked.

She can't wait to see their faces once they saw who is it.

"No! Just tell us now!"Seulgi shook Lisa's body.

"I won't."

Seulgi still shaking Lisa's body but Lisa's lips is sealed. She won't tell.

"Stop that Seul. You won't get any answer from her. Let's just wait and let's see it on ourselves."Jennie suggested and locked her gaze at one direction. She smiled widely and immediately composed herself when she realized it.

Seulgi noticed it and look at the direction where Jennie is looking at. Seulgi smirked and bumped her shoulder to Jennie.

"We have a practice tomorrow for the dance. You two can go with us if you want."Seulgi shrugged and looked at Jennie.

"Omo! Really we can?"Jennie excitedly said and hold Seulgi's arm.

"Yeah."she answered and lean forward to Jennie to whisper."So you two could talk."

Jennie blush at what Seulgi said. She wants to talk to him again. She miss his voice and his soft hand. She can't wait.

"Irene you seems off today. Do you have a problem?"Suho asked her softly and touch her hand.

"Hmmm. Just school works. But I'm good don't worry."She said and smile at him.

Irene really thinking about the engagement. She doesn't know how will she tell him about this. She don't want to hurt him.

"Maybe I can help?"

"No, I can manage. Just focus on your practice. The game will starts next week. You need to be ready."she said and hold his hand too.

Now they are walking hand in hand at the middle of the field. It's also their free time. Well not actually free time. Suho's professor excused him so he can go to their practice early. While Irene, it's her time to do some school stuff.

Lisa saw them. Well who wouldn't? They are getting the attention of the students in the field. They were not the powerful couple in the campus for nothing.

Oh so I'm not allowed to hangout with Sehun but you, you can go with Suho? Oh I forgot, he's your boyfriend in the first place. I can't do about it.

"Guys let's take some food. I'm hungry."Lisa stood up and made her way to the cafeteria not bothering to wait her bestfriends.

"What's with her?"Joy asked.

"Maybe she has a monthly."Seulgi said and laugh.

"Maybe."Jennie shrugged.

"Lisa!"someone called her.

So the four of them roamed their eyes in the cafeteria. They saw Sehun with Kris, waving his hand to them.

"Here! You can sit with us. Come!"Sehun invited them to their table.

Kris just nodded and wait for them.

The four of them approached their table and take a sit.

"Thanks. By the way sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to end the call."Lisa apologized to Sehun.

"It's okay. I'm not mad anyway."Sehun chuckled and messed her hair.

"You really love to mess my hair."Lisa whined and slap his hand.

Sehun chuckled. Lisa and Sehun forgot that they have some other accompany. They are now at their own world.

Lisa's bestfriends looked at each other. Wondering what's with the two. The three of them thinks that Sehun is her fiancé.

"They looked good together."Jennie mumbled.

The two agreed on Jennie. Kris just shake his head continue eating.

"Hey, mind if you tell your name?"Seulgi asked Kris.

"You don't know me?"Kris put down his fork and stared at Seulgi.

"I don't."she shrugged.

"Really Seulgi? You forgot me already?"Kris acted like he's hurt.

Joy and Jennie looked at them confused.
What's with them too?


What's with them nga ba? HAHAHAHAHA sorry na po mga mahal. May nangyari kasi eh, pero okay naman na ako ngayon.

I hope you did enjoy it even if it's a lame HAHAHAHA.

By the way, I miss you all. I miss interacting with all of you.

Sorry for the grammars and errors. Stay safe and stay hydrated mga baby ko😉

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