Chapter 18

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A loud horn can be heard at the peaceful road. A sound of break heard after the loud horn. It was Lisa.

Inside of the car, Lisa is very thankful. Thankful that she didn't hit the innocent cat. After she recovered, she got out of her car and check if the cat is still there.

There, she saw the cat laying on the road. She observed it for awhile and then approached it. She checked if there's a damage that she cause. Thankfully there's nothing.

She lifted the cat and brought it in her car. She placed it on her lap.

"Hey kitty are you okay? I'm so sorry."She then kissed the cat."Do you want to come with me?"the cat just meowed at her.

She smiled and then started the engine. "Okay. Here we go."

Lisa is now laying on the couch with the cat who's now at the top of her stomach. Thinking what name would suit for the cat.

"Hey baby cat."She lifted the cat and got up. "I'll call you Leo. Sounds good right?"she cutely said and kiss the cat.

The cat only make a sound and jump off from her.

"Bad Leo. Come here."

The cat just only stare at her who's laying on the mat.

"You lazy cat. I said come here."she said while getting up.

"Okay fine, just rest there. I'll just order a food for us. Behave."she once again looked at the cat before walking to the bedroom.

She thinks she don't need to wait for Irene and let her cook. She knows she's tired. Lisa wants to cook but she's suck at it. She don't want to burn her condo because of her stupidity.

She picked her phone and dialed a number. She quickly tell her order and go back to the couch to wait for the delivery.

After few minutes, her doorbell rang. She got up and open the door only to see the delivery boy. She paid the man and placed the food on the table.

Lisa sat on the couch and check the clock. It's nearly 7 o'clock and Irene still not home. She's worried but think some positive thoughts that maybe her Joohyun is so busy right now. She decided to wait for her and after few minutes she didn't notice that she fell asleep.

Irene just got home. As she open the door she was greeted by the meowing cat. Her eyes bulged and later on she started shouting.

"What the! What are you doing here?!"she shouted while pointing the cat. "Who let you in huh?"

Irene realize that the cat will not answer her. Because the cat is only a cat. She would be scared if the cat talk back to her.

Lisa woke up from a deep slumber when she heard the shout. She quickly stood up and roamed her eyes. She saw Irene near the door and she immediately approached her.

"What happened? Are you okay?"Lisa is worried. So she check Irene's body if she's okay.

Irene gently push her and rolled her eyes.

"No need to touch me. I'm okay. Just wondering what's this cat doing here."

"Uh that's our new son."Lisa smiled cheekily and then quickly wipe it off when she realized what she said.
"Ahm I-i mean my new son, yeah."she said nervously.

"Why did you bring it with you? I hate cat. Make sure later I won't see that cat again."Irene said and walk her way to the bedroom.

Lisa just followed her with her eyes. She pouted and lifted the cat.

"Hey Leo. Don't worry you're staying here. Maybe your mom is not in a good mood. So be patience with her baby, yeah?"Lisa said cutely and kiss the cat.

She gently put down the cat and decided to prepare the food. She get the foods and made her way to the kitchen. After preparing she gets back to the living room so she could call Irene.

She stopped in the midway when she saw the most adorable scene. Irene playing with the cat. She smiled widely and let out a relief sighed.

"I thought you hate cat?"Lisa smirked and approached them.

"Well, this cat is exempted."Irene answered and play again with the cat.

"Leo."Lisa said as she sat down.

"Leo?"Irene asked confused.

"Leo is his name."

"Ah. Hmm Leo is nice."Irene smiled and kissed the cat.

Can I have one too? Lisa mentally laugh at her thought.

"You're not a cat."Irene flatly said.

"What?"Lisa's eyes widened and mentally smack herself. She loudly said her thought. She quickly stood up and invite Irene for the dinner.

Lisa, you're embarrassing what the hell!
Lisa closed her eyes and scold her self.

Irene followed her while carrying Leo.

"Where did you get him?"Irene asked about Leo.

"I almost hit him on my way her. So I decided to take him with me."Lisa shrugged and continued to eat.

"He's sleeping with me."Irene said out of nowhere.

"What? No! He's mine! He's sleeping with me."

"No. I said what I've said. He will sleep with me. Only me."

Lisa doesn't have a choice. So she just let Irene. She scratched her head and look at Leo.

I am the one who brought you here but it feels like Irene is your owner. Can I be hers too? Again?


Wala ang cute lang HAHAHAHAHA.

Sweet moment for now so you can relax. No stress muna, ayokong mastress kayo mga mahal ko.

Sorry for the grammars and errors. I love you!

Stay safe and stay hydrated!

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