Chapter 19

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"And done!"Kai clapped his hand and let his body to fall on the floor. "Finally we're done. You guys are okay?"He asked and looked at Lisa, Seulgi and Momo.

While Jennie on the other side of the room, keep on staring at Kai. Ever since the practice started, the only thing that she do is to stare at Kai and then smile afterwards.

"We're all good. By the way, you're a great instructor sunbaenim."Momo said and gave him a thumbs up.

"NO!"Jennie suddenly yelled.

The four looked at her confused.

"So I'm not good on dancing?"Kai said and pouted.

Oh my god! Please stop that or else I'm gonna kiss you.

Jennie cleared her throat and then glance at him. "No. I mean you're not great. You're the best."she smiled and winked at him.

Momo and Seulgi made a noise while laughing. While Lisa has a mouth agape. Kai looked at Jennie and mouthed thank you.

Jennie was proud because of what she did. I'm really good at it.

"I think we need a mini celebrate. I know a great place near here."Kai suggested while looking at them.

"I'm in!"Jennie excitedly represent.

Jennie is more excited than us. Lisa thought.

"Sorry guys. I can't. We have a family dinner tonight."Momo said with apologetic smile.

"No it's fine. Enjoy the dinner Momo."Kai said.

"Thanks. I'm going now. Take care."She said and left with her stuffs.

"How about the two of you?"Kai asked the two.

"We're going."Seulgi said not giving Lisa a chance to talk.

The four safely arrived at the restaurant that Kai had suggested. Lisa keeps on glancing at Jennie because she knew there's something fishy.

When they were about to walk Seulgi get her phone and bring it to her ear.

"Ah yeah yeah okay."Seulgi said and then take it back to her pocket.

"Guys, Lisa and I can't make it."Seulgi said with apologetic gaze.

Lisa looked at her confused. "Why?"she asked.

"Something happened. Joy need us."Seulgi looked at Jennie and then winked at her.

Jennie gets her plan. She's really thankful to Seulgi. What a nice friend.

"Is that so? Hmm okay you can go."Kai said.

"Oh but don't worry. Jennie is here to accompany you."Seulgi assured Kai.

"Is that okay with her?"

"It's okay with her. Right Jen?"

"Yes."Jennie smiled.

"Okay we're going now. Enjoy!"Seulgi said and held Lisa's hand to run.

Kai looked at them weirdly. Maybe they are in a hurry. He shrugged and invite Jennie to come inside.

"Shall we?"

"Yeah sure."

Jennie smiled like an idiot. Of course her crush is with her. She can't hide her happiness.

"Seul, I thought Joy need us? Where are we going?"Lisa asked confused when she noticed that they are taking different way.

"That was just an act."Seulgi laugh and looked at her.

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