Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

December 2, 2038 ( 40wks, 3 days )

Sophia's POV (pic of their babies ----->)


"Fuck... Get these babies out of me." I growled as I paced back and forth, our twins are three days past their due date, and honestly, I don't see them making an entrance into the world any time soon.

"Baby, you need to calm down. Our babies will come when they are ready."
Colton sighed as he watched me from the couch, of course he says that, he doesn't have two babies the size of bowling balls pressing down on his bladder and making him pee every five minutes.

"But I just want them here already..." I groaned as I rubbed over my belly, I'm honestly gonna miss my bump, but chances are, I will be pregnant again sometime.

"I know, Sophie... I want to meet our babies just as much as you do, but they can take their time. Besides, Doctor Freeman said that if they haven't come by the time you reach forty one weeks, he will induce you." he explained softly and I just sighed as I stared down at my bump, I didn't say anything to him as I knew he was right, and there was no way in hell I was boosting his ego even more.

"I just can't believe our babies are going to be here in the next two weeks... Honestly, these past nine months have flown by. And I know that once our babies are here, the time will go by even faster, watching them grow up." I smiled at the thought, honestly, I'm not too scared about going into labor, I've done it once and it was awful, but I've heard the first is the worst.

Colton pulled me over to the couch and pulled me onto his lap, so my head was on his chest and I loved being in his arms, until my phone rang.

"Dammit." I growled as I got up, which earned a pout from Colton, and went to check my phone. Jace was calling me.

"Jace? What the hell?" I asked as I moved back to sit on Colton's lap so I was straddling him. He was watching me carefully as I settled the phone between my ear and my shoulder and started to unbutton his shirt.

"It's Parker, Sophia... You should get over here to Mom and Dad's..." Jace sighed and that was all I needed to hear, any bad news about my baby brother and I'm there.

"Shit. Okay, Colton and I will be there soon." I shook my head as I hung up on my brother and tossed my phone onto the coffee table and got off Colton's lap.

"You wanna explain what the hell is going on?" Colton asked me as I ran around the house trying to get ready so I could see Parker. I have no clue what the problem is, or if it even is a problem, but based on Jace's tone, it was something serious.

"I'll explain on the way there. Get your keys and let's go." I snapped and rushed out the door to Colton's truck, which he's had to help me get into the past few months.

As soon as Colton turned onto the street my parent's house was on, I sighed as I saw all my brother's cars out front. Whatever it is with Parker, must be serious if Caleb's here. He's almost always out partying and getting drunk. I think the last time I saw him sober was the day he and his now wife, Veronica, got married and even then, he was drunk off his ass five minutes into the reception. He needs help or something, because I don't want to watch my big brother do that to himself.

"Thank god you're here," Jace growled when he opened the door. I just stared at him.

"What happened to Parker? Is he hurt? Where is he?" I asked him as I barged past him and into the living room.

"Parker is fine, he's not hurt, and he's in the other room with Mom and Dad. Calm down." Jace chuckled slightly as the three of us made our way into the other living room.

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