Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

July 15, 2038

Colton's POV

"Colton Baby! Wake up!" my eyes shot open when I felt Sophia shaking my shoulders. I groaned and looked at her as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"What is it, baby girl? Come back to bed." I groaned, looking out the window to see it's still pitch black out. What time is it?

"I can't, my mind is too busy, I can't stop thinking." she sighed, now that made me sit up and look at her.

"Thinking about what?" I asked as I sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She sighed and rested her head on my arm.

"Just stuff." she said softly and looked up at me, her green eyes boring into mine.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked softly, maybe it'll make her feel better if she could get whatever it is off her chest.

"No." she shook her head and I sighed, I don't want Sophia shutting herself off from everyone now.

"Okay, well why don't you come back to bed?" I asked and kissed her temple. Sophie nodded her head and as she was moving back to lay down, her eyes widened and she ran into the bathroom. A few seconds later I heard her getting sick.

"Dammit," I muttered as I got off the bed and ran after her. I hate it when she's sick, I'm not sure why she is, though. We ate the same thing at dinner last night, and I'm perfectly fine.

"What's the matter, Baby? Are you not feeling well?" I asked her softly as I crouched beside her and rubbed her back softly while she continued to throw up. I hate it when she's sick, it makes me feel bad.

"I'm okay. I've been up since three when I woke up and threw up. I went and had a shower after to see if that could help me feel better and it didn't." Sophia sighed and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe her mouth. I helped her up and let her brush her teeth again.

"Do we need to get you checked out?" I asked as I scooped her up into my arms and carried her back out to our room.

"No, I'm okay. Trust me." she smiled up at me and bit her bottom lip softly.

"Alright, well why don't you get some more rest?" I smiled and tucked her in before I got back into bed behind her. No doubt the boys will be up in a little over an hour, I'll get them fed and everything and let Sophia sleep. She looks like she really needs it.

"I love you." she mumbled and I kissed the top of her head and five minutes later I heard her snoring softly, her blanket tucked under her arm, she loves that thing.

While Sophia slept, I laid there and watched her, she looked so peaceful. If only it could stay that way.

"Mommy! Can we have breakfast?" Luke shouted as he opened the door to our room and he and Elijah ran in. My eyes widened and I was quick to get up to shush them.

"Shhh, boys, Mommy's still sleeping. Come on, I'll make you guys some pancakes." I explained and the three of us walked out to the kitchen. When I checked the clock, it was just past seven thirty, that's a nice sleep in considering we're usually up with the boys by six thirty on days they are here.

Once I had them eating a few pancakes each, I went back to our room and checked on Sophia, she was still passed out. That's okay, she needs it.

"What do you boys want to do today?" I asked them as they left the table and ran back to the living room to watch tv.

"Can we go to the park?" Luke asked, Elijah nodded along with his brother. I sighed and looked outside, it looks like a good day for them to go outside, but I just don't know if Sophia is up for it.

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