Bonus Chapter.

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Bonus Chapter... Luke's story.

8 1/2 years later.... February 10, 2049 ( Sophia is 35; Matt is 36; Colton is 38; Luke is 16; Elijah is 13; Izzy and Aidan are 11 )

Luke's POV (pic of Luke ----->)


'Hey Luke, I'm sorry, I just don't think things are going to work out between us anymore. I just don't feel attracted to you anymore. I'm sorry to do this over text but I had to say it'

"Damn her." I growled as I closed her text message and threw my phone on the bookshelf in the corner. The number one rule of dating Luke Matthew Johnson, is I do the breaking up. No one breaks up with me.

"Luke! Get your ass out here." I heard my Dad shout from the living room and I growled as I put a shirt on, it's my room so I was just in my boxers.

"What?" I snapped as I walked out and saw my Dad watching tv and my little brother Elijah was doing his Geometry homework, damn brother of mine is a big time nerd.

"Watch the attitude, or you're going back to Mom's," Dad warned, "And anyway, I've told you that you can't swear around here, not when Lucy and Natasha are around, and they just got back from their ballet class."

"Are they even back?" I asked and just to answer my question, my younger sisters came out from the kitchen, each with a glass of water.

"Hey Luke," Lucy smiled as she waved a little, I admit it's awesome having little sisters, I have four anyways, so I've gotten used to it.

"Hey Squirt," I laughed as I walked toward them and ruffled their hair. "How was your dance class?"

"Good, but Damien keeps pissing me off, he keeps asking me to go out with him. I'm only fifteen and he's like... seventeen," Lucy sighed and I growled, that kid has been messing with my baby sister since she turned twelve and started to... develop. Thank god Natasha is only eleven though, she hasn't started puberty yet and she says she doesn't like any boys, which is good for Eli, my Dad and I.

"Didn't I teach that bastard a lesson?" I growled, I've already beaten Damien up once, after I caught him with his hands all over Lucy. Lucky I was picking her and Natasha up, or he might've touched her in other places.

"He just won't take no for an answer," Natasha piped in, "He was even touching Lucy's butt."

"What the hell?" I growled as I looked back at my Dad, he looks just as pissed. "Luce, why would you let him do that?"

"I didn't let him, Luke," she snapped, "he just did it. I was talking to my dance teacher, and I felt an arm snake around my waist and he pinned me to the wall and started kissing and touching me."

"Whatever, I don't want to talk about it. I'm just going to go change," she sighed and stormed past me and up the stairs to her room.

"Thanks for saying something, Tasha," I smiled at my younger sister. Her big mouth is both a blessing and a curse sometimes..

"It was just weird," she shook her head and walked toward me to give me a huge before she skipped off to her room.

"Now don't forget what I said, Luke. I mean it, I will make you to go your Mom's if you don't clean yourself up. I can smell the damn cigarette smoke on you from here." Dad growled, damn it, I was hoping he wouldn't notice. Dad drilled it into my head that I need to stop smoking but I can't, I'm lucky he doesn't know I've been doing drugs too.

"Okay, sorry Dad," I growled and left the living room to go back to my room. I picked my phone up off my desk and looked through the hundreds of pictures Kira and I had taken together throughout the year and a half of our relationship. I can't believe she'd just end it like that.

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