Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

March 14, 2036 ( 21wks, 1 day )

Sophia's POV (pic of ultrasound ---->)

"Wake up, beautiful." the feel of Matty's warm breath blowing across my ear had me scrunch my nose up and open my eyes.

"Morning Baby." I smiled as I sat up slowly, with this big baby bump I can't do much.

My eyes widened when I remembered what today is. "Do you know what today is, Matty?"

"Of course I do. It's the day we can finally find out if this little munchkin is a boy or a girl." he grinned and crouched in front of me, to rest his hands on my bump. They must've known it was their Daddy because they kicked me really hard.

"Looks like we'll have a little soccer player in the family." he chuckled, we're just going to be a sporty family I guess. Luke's been asking Matt nonstop if he can play baseball, like his friend Liam.

"Maybe. Now move, I gotta get in the shower." I giggled and pushed on his shoulders for him to move so I could get up.

"Not so fast, my little minx." he growled and ran in front of the door, blocking me from getting in.

"Why? I need to take my shower..." I whined and when that didn't work, I batted my eyelashes.

"You can, but I'll be in there with you," Matty smirked and opened the door, then tapped my butt as I walked past him.

"Jerk." I muttered as I turned the water on and waited until it was warm enough.

"You love me." he grinned and picked me up easily once he was in the shower too.

"Not really." I giggled and bit my lip when Matty buried his face in the side of my neck and suckled lightly.

"That ring on your finger says otherwise." he laughed and grabbed the washcloth and my vanilla body wash.

"Whatever, just wash my damn back." I growled and leaned my front side against the tiled wall.

"I love your dominant side." he smirked against the base of my neck and I moaned softly.


"Hey Buddy." I smiled as Luke as Matty and I got into the living room. Luke was on the couch in his racecar pjs watching Spongebob, shock.

"Hi Mommy." he smiled and jumped off the couch and ran toward me. When he reached me, he rested his hands on my stomach. He's been doing that a lot lately and Luke loves feeling his little brother or sister kick. By the end of today we'll know if he gets a little brother or a little sister.

"Luke, go get dressed. We're leaving soon." I heard Matty call out to Luke from the kitchen and I nodded, the ultrasound appointment is at nine forty five, who's the idiot who made the appointment so early, oh that's right, me.

"Thank you for the treat this morning, Babe." I giggled when I got into the kitchen and took my coffee off Matty, he's the best.

"I'll do anything for my girl." he grinned and leaned over to kiss me softly. It's the random soft pecks that I really love.

"So you are wanting to find out the sex today, right?" I asked him as I took a sip of my coffee, I know I'd like to but I want to make sure we're on the same page.

"Yea, I'm not having you call our son a daughter for the next twenty weeks." he seemed pretty confident that we were having a boy, don't be so cocky Matty, mothers always know and I can feel it's a girl.

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