Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.

September 1, 2038 ( 16wks, 6 days )

Sophia's POV

"Do I look okay, Babe?" I asked Colton as I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a long light blue maxi dress today and I'm not sure about it. I'm already fat, I don't want to look even fatter.

"You look beautiful, as always. I can see our babies popping out perfectly." he smiled at me through the mirror and I giggled as I felt one of our babies kick me really hard. Yes, you heard right, Colton and I are having twins. We don't know the sex yet, and we won't for a few more weeks, but he's convinced it's two girls. I think we're having one of each but who knows, and I know I'm happy with whatever, as long as both our babies are healthy.

"I'm so excited Mom and Dad are coming home.." I said, excitement evident in my voice as I finished my makeup. My parents have been gone now for about three months and they went all over Europe, we all got plenty of pictures but they decided it was time to come home. Now that I'm almost five months pregnant, my Mom thought they should come home just in case, which I found odd because I'm not even half way through my pregnancy. Not that I'm complaining though, I've missed my parents like crazy.

"I know, Babe." Colton chuckled and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled when his hands spread out across my bump, he loves touching it and kissing it and he's always talking to our babies, it's so cute.

"I cannot wait to meet them." he said and I smiled when I felt his lips on my neck, then on my cheek. Colton's been the sweetest through these past five months, even through my mood swings. I just feel awful, all my anger gets thrown at him when he didn't even do anything.

"Alright, we should go. Mom and Dad's plane is supposed to come in at eleven, and Jace is picking them up." I said as I squirmed out of my husband's grip and grabbed my purse. Colton mumbled a few colorful words under his breath as he grabbed his wallet and then my hand and we left the house to go to my parent's house. It's been so weird not coming here everyday for the last three months...

"Oh my god! You're glowing!" Ash squealed when Colton and I walked through the front door and she ran toward me.

"I can feel it, too. I'm actually feeling really good today." I shook my head with a grin on my face at my best friend's excitement, she does love babies. Speaking of babies, Ash is eleven weeks pregnant, which is awesome, since she and Kyle were told after she delivered Zach and Brax that their chances of conceiving again were about ten percent. I don't know why she'd want another, though, I'd be exhausted by nine every morning if I had to take care of my two crazy nephews.

"Those two little babies are gonna be so cute." Ash giggled and I rolled my eyes, that's exactly what she said when I found out I was pregnant with Eli.

"How are you ladies doing?" Colton and Kyle smiled as they walked toward Ash and I. Colton wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, Kyle did the same to Ash.

"What did you two do?" I asked as I exchanged glances with Ash. Our husbands have definitely done something.

"Why would you think we've done something?" Colton asked and kissed my cheek again. He's definitely been a lot more touchy feely lately.

As I was about to respond, I heard a car pull up out front, followed by the slamming of three doors.

"Oh my god! They're here!" I squealed and started to jump up and down, I've been waiting for this day since my parents said they were coming home, two weeks ago.

"Oh my god!" Mom cried when she and Dad ran through the door. My smile was gigantic as I ran to them.

"I missed you so much, Mommy." I cried when she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

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