Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7.

January 9, 2036

Sophia's POV ( Sophia-11wks, 2 days )

"Matty!" I called out to him, from somewhere in this apartment, Matt surprised me on New Year's Day, saying he'd found us a small house, so we started to pack, and there are boxes everywhere.

"Sophia! What is it, baby girl?" he asked me as he rushed in through the door and I grinned sheepishly, I didn't mean to scare him.

"Sorry for scaring you, Babe. I was just checking if you need anything at the store, I'm heading out," I giggled when he shook his head at me and stepped over boxes to make his way over to me.

"I thought you'd hurt yourself and the baby..." he sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Matty... Both the baby and I are perfectly fine." I promised him as I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his.

"Okay good, I couldn't live with myself if something had happened to you..." he sighed and looked down at the ground. "Now, I don't think we need anything, so you can go ahead."

"Alright, and's okay, Babe." I chuckled as I lifted his chin with my finger and kissed his cheek before I carefully made my way out of the small room, to go get my keys.

I whistled to myself as I went down the elevator, to the parking lot before I got in my car and drove toward the store.

I went around, getting the things I'd need to make for dinner tonight, and some snacks for Luke for the rest of the week.

I went to the front and paid, then got back in my car. The sky was almost black and I heard a distant roll of thunder, which made me jump. I hate thunder.

I took a deep breath as I started the car and backed out of my parking spot.

It had started to rain, and I knew it was going to pour in a few minutes, which had me drive faster, I just wanted to be home with Matty and he can keep me safe from the thunder.

The light ahead was red, so I pressed my foot to the brake and started to tap my thumbs against the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the radio. When the light turned green I started to drive across the intersection, but before I got halfway there, a flash of bright yellow was in front of me before I felt something crash into the front of the car.

"Holy shit! Someone needs to call an ambulance!" I heard someone shout, it was a girl's voice.

"Fuck." I heard someone else curse and I started to get worried, what was wrong with me?

"Miss, you need to keep your eyes open. I know it's hard but you can't go to sleep. Stay with me." a man in his early thirties begged as he knelt beside me and took my hand in his.

"Uh huh..." I mumbled, feeling myself wanting to give into the sleep that was begging to take over my body.

"Alright miss, the ambulance is here now, so they're going to take you to the hospital." the same man said, before two pretty good looking paramedics leaned over me and attached me to a stretcher and I was put into the back of the ambulance.

Before I knew what was happening, the ambulance sped off down the street, and I was with the same two paramedics who had put me on the stretcher.

"Oh my god, I need to call my boyfriend...he's probably worried sick." I mumbled as I thought of Matty, I was just going to the store for a quick trip, damn he's probably so worried about me. The store was only five minutes away...

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