Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

November 28, 2035

Sophia's POV (Pic of Luke --->)

I'm excited for today, as I'm going out with Luke and Matthew, apparently, Matt told Luke last week that I would be going to the park and lunch with them, before he told me. But I knew there was no way I could say no.

"Hey Soph," Ash smiled at me as she came into my room, when I looked at her I instantly knew her smile wasn't a real one.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, getting straight to the point, the look she gave me, made me want to laugh.

"How do you know something's wrong? Everything's great." she mumbled and shook her head. She bit her lip and I knew she was trying to hold back tears.

"Yea, right," I smirked. "Tell me what's bothering you. I've been your best friend for twenty years, Ash, I can read you like a picture book."

"I'm pregnant." she mumbled, so quietly I almost missed it. Holy shít! Ash and Kyle are having a baby!

"You're pregnant?" I asked her, when she nodded, I smiled. "Oh my god! The baby is gonna be so cute! I'm gonna be the best Aunty ever!"

"Sophia, I'm twenty one and pregnant. I told Kyle, and his face was completely blank. No emotion whatsoever. What if he doesn't want the baby?! Oh god, there's no way I could have an abortion. What if he wants to break up?" Ash rambled on and on through the tears that were now streaming down her face. I sighed and handed her my box of tissues off my vanity.

"Ash, everything is gonna be fine. Kyle will love you and this baby, no matter what. And if he does leave you, or suggest an abortion, he'll have to face my wrath." I giggled. "But seriously, you shouldn't be worrying about Kyle."

"Thanks Soph. I'm already ten weeks." she smiled and put her hands on her stomach. My eyes flicked to hers and I saw she had a tiny bump.

"And what did daddy think when you told him? You have told your parents, haven't you?" I smirked, no doubt Levi was pissed that his baby girl was pregnant before marriage, even if he had three of his four kids before marriage.

"He was pretty pissed off. The look he gave Kyle was scary, Soph. Seriously like even I wanted to run and hide. But mom talked to him, and explained that I was growing up and even if this is sooner than she'd wanted, it was bound to happen someday." she shrugged and I let out a sigh of relief, I'm glad her parents are there for her.

"I'm not surprised." I laughed, and I don't doubt my daddy will be fifty times worse when I get pregnant. If I get pregnant. When I took the test a few days ago with Matt, he seemed ecstatic it was negative, which hurt, but at the same time I understood as we've only been together for about five and a half months.

"Sophia?" Jace's voice rang through my ears as he knocked on my door.

"Come on in, Jace." I chuckled as he opened the door and smiled at me.

"Okay, so I'm off, I'm going with Eleanor, it's her twelve week ultrasound today." he smiled widely, I could tell Jace is excited to be a father, my parents are also excited as this baby will be their first grandchild. Or their first grandchild they know about, there's always the chance that Caleb's got a three year old out there somewhere. He and Caden are the interesting ones, always out partying, drinking, they have a few tattoos and they hump and dump a girl faster than you can blink.

"Okay, have fun." I called to him, before I heard the front door slam shut. This is a crazy day so far, and it's only ten in the morning. Jace is giving my parents their first grandchild, and Ash is giving Levi and Jessica their first grandchild...if only Rylie hadn't had a miscarriage; she'd be about twelve weeks, the same as Eleanor.

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