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2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days later... April 23, 2041 ( Sophia is 27; Colton is 31; Matt is 28; Luke is 7 1/2; Elijah is 4 1/2; Isabelle and Aidan are 2 1/2 )

Colton's POV ( pic of Sophia ----> )

"Dada." the sounds of of my princess Isabelle mumbling Dada to herself had me groan as I got out of bed and made my way down the hall to her room.

"Dada." her squeals got louder when I opened the door and the sight I saw before me had me holding in a laugh. Isabelle was standing in her crib, her hair was all over the place and she had a blanket draped over her head with her favorite stuffed cat thrown on the floor.

"Shhh, princess, you'll wake Mommy and your big brothers up." I whispered as I picked her up out of her crib and set her on my hip. Luke and Eli are here for the week, and they've loved playing with Izzy and Aidan. They've called Isabelle Izzy so much that is has stuck so they love that they gave her that nickname.

"We should probably fix that stinky problem, huh?" I chuckled as I laid her down on her change table and grabbed a diaper. I've also gotten a lot better at changing my kid's diapers, which is nice. The only time I've had one of them pee on me was that first time with Izzy.

"There we go, good as new." I smiled and kissed my daughter on her rosy cheek, before I made my way back into the room I share with my wife.

"Wake up, Baby.." I said softly as I sat on the edge of the bed. The baby was poking out and you could see the bump perfectly. Yep, Sophie and I are expecting a baby girl in early July, and she's ecstatic about it, just like me.

"Huh?" she mumbled as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, even early in the morning with her hair in all directions she is so fucking beautiful.

"It's time to wake up, Sweetheart." I chuckled at my wife's cuteness, I love her like crazy.

"Momma, Momma, Momma." Izzy mumbled when she saw her Mommy and held her tiny arms out toward Sophia. I chuckled and sat Izzy on the bed between us, so she could reach her Mommy if she wanted to.

"I'll go get Aidan." I smiled and got off the bed and made my way to my son's room. Even if today is mine and Sophia's three year wedding anniversary, we're not doing anything big or exciting, we haven't for any of our anniversaries. Sophia was pregnant our first anniversary, our second Izzy and Aidan were only four months old. And now here we are.

Today we'll probably have either my parents or Sophie's watch Izzy and Aidan for the night so we can have a night to sleep and a morning to sleep in past six.

When I walked back into our room with Aidan on my hip, I wasn't ready for what I would see. Sophie had popped her breast right out and she was feeding Izzy. I love watching her breast feed, although I am a little sad as Izzy and Aidan are stealing all my boobie time. Hopefully they'll be weened off her breasts in a few months, but then we'll have to do it all over again with our new little girl.

"Momma." Aidan mumbled as I sat down on the bed and I rolled my eyes. They've both learned how to say Momma, but only Izzy can say Dada. I love hearing her say that, it melts my heart each and every time.

"Oh, so my Mom texted me a few minutes ago. She said she and my Dad could watch Izzy and Aidan for us tonight so we can have some alone time." Sophie smiled as she looked up at me with that dazzling white smile and her shining emerald green eyes.

"Sounds good, more time to spoil my girl." I grinned and leaned over our babies, who were between us and kissed my wife softly.

"If you want to spoil me so badly, maybe you could make me breakfast in bed.." she shrugged and glanced up at me with innocent eyes and I rolled my eyes, of course I'll say yes because Sophia has me wrapped around her little finger.

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