Chapter 14.

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Chapter 14.

July 7, 2038

Colton's POV (pic of their new puppy ---->)

I quietly got out of bed, and left the beautiful girl that is asleep in the bed. The last thing I need this morning is Sophia waking up.

"You're up early..." Dad's voice scared me when I got into the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

"I know. It's Sophia's birthday today, and I have a few surprises I need to go check on. I needed to do it before she wakes up, which is usually around eight thirty." I sighed as I poured my coffee. I cringed slightly when I heard two doors slam from upstairs, followed by Luke and Elijah's pounding footsteps down the stairs.

"Can we have breakfast?" Luke asked as they stopped right in front of me. I turned to look at my Dad with pleading eyes, if Sophia wants her birthday surprises, I need to go.

"Sure, go with Grandpa, he'll make you something." I smiled and ruffled Luke's hair before I grabbed my wallet and keys and left the house.

When I finally pulled up in front of the house, I smiled as I saw the boys all standing in front of it. Looks good.

"Hey Colton, finished it up yesterday. The keys are all yours." Chris chuckled and chucked the keys at me.

"This looks awesome, thanks guys. I'll bring her by later." I smiled and handed them the money, but Chris shook his head.

"Nope. We can't take your money. Now go home to your girl." he smirked and pushed me back toward the car. I rolled my eyes as I got in and drove off to the jewelry store.

"Hey Colton, finally ready to get that ring?" Jake chuckled as I walked in and right up to the counter.

"Hell yea. It's Sophie's birthday today." I smirked as he pulled out the velvet blue box from under the counter and put it in front of me.

"Awesome, just need seven hundred and thirty bucks and it's all yours." he chuckled and I nodded, pulling out the cash I've been saving, and the money my parents gave me. My Mom said that they'd help pay since it wasn't really romantic at our wedding since I didn't have a ring to give Sophia.

"Two surprises down, two to go." I said to myself as I walked back to the car and put the ring in the glove compartment.

When I got to the Ford dealership, I jumped out of the car and went inside.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a man smiled at me as I walked to the front.

"Yea, I'm looking for a new car to give my girlfriend for her birthday." I explained and his face lit up when I said 'her' and 'birthday'.

"Oh! Wonderful! We've got plenty of cars to choose from! Follow me!" something about this guy told me he was gay, but I'm not judging.

"We've got the Ford Mustang, which is a very popular car among young people..." the guy said and I tuned him out when I saw the one. It was a navy blue Mustang. I knew that was the one for Sophia. It's the closest to her favorite color of purple.

"I'll take that Mustang." I said and pointed to the dark blue one.

"Wonderful! Come with me and we can get you driving in it right away. Oh! By the way, my name's Cody." Cody smiled as we walked back inside and I signed a few papers, gave him the check and then he finally handed me the keys.

"Oh! Could you drive this, to our house? I'll show you the way..." I asked him, I don't know how else to get it there. I can't drive two cars at once.

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