chapter 17

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Enjoy this long chapter and happy reading everyone <3


"Didn't I asked you to bring me a glass of water?" Yoongi asks as soon as Namjoon walks into the living room. "I'm sorry. I'll go get them n-" before Namjoon could finish his sentence, Yoongi cuts him off. "Forget it." He says coldly making Namjoon frown. "Okay..? If you don't want anything, I'll go help Taehyung in the kitchen." He says with a small smile but when he was about to turn, Yoongi stops him. "Go get my phone in my room." He simply says and walks to the kitchen, leaving the confused Namjoon alone. 

"What the fuck were you two doing?" Yoongi asks Taehyung with his usual boring look. "Making dinner. Obviously."Taehyung answer sarcastically while cutting some carrots.  Yoongi clenches his fist, trying to stop himself from punching the man. "Just because I didn't do anything, that doesn't mean you win Kim Taehyung." He warns making Taehyung stop doing whatever he was doing and looks straight to Yoongi. "Do you this is a game? Do you think his heart is a toy where you can play with whenever you want?" Taehyung daringly asks as he clenches the knife grip. Hearing Taehyung's question makes Yoongi smirk. "Yes." Yoongi's smirk got even wider when he saw Taehyung's face become red. His smirk then disappears when Taehyung daringly walks toward him. "Don't you dare break his heart Min Yoongi." He warns. "You seem to be caring a lot about him. Why? Do you like him?" Yoongi asks with a small smirk. Taehyung gulps after hearing the question as he takes a step back. "Just don't." He answer before walking to the kitchen aisle, continuing his work.

Daegu, 2/9/2014

"GO FIND A FUCKING JOB OR SOMETHING AND STOP BEING A WORTHLESS SON YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Hearing his own father said that made his heart shatter. "I will. But if I don't come home, please never find me, father." He said with tears in his eyes and a tear immediately fell right after hearing his father's answer, "I won't." He gets into his room to grab his needs, not forgetting the necklace belonged to his late grandmother but before he gets out of the house, he stops, hoping his father would stop him. "Fuck off." is the only thing his father said without looking at him and it made him understood everything as he sadly smiles before getting off to nowhere. 

"For a high-schooler like you, drinking alcohol should be illegal." He flinched when a sudden voice appeared beside him and he immediately wiped off his tears when he realized who it was. "Your name is Kim Taehyung, right?" the boy asked and Taehyung's face went red when he called his name. "Yeah. Namjoon right?" he asked back while looking at him. "Hyung for you." Namjoon jokingly said and it made Taehyung chuckled while nodding. "Do you have a place to go?" Namjoon asked and it brought a smile to his face. Instead of asking what happened, the boy he had crushed on asked him if he had a place to stay though they barely knew each other. He always tried his best to get the boy's attention by doing sports so that way Namjoon would recognize him. He has liked him since they were in primary school and sometimes skipped his class just to see him. He always noticed him sitting alone in the class, studying, sometimes reading a book, an English book when he had free time. Not everyone liked him back then since he always scored every subject and being a top student in school. He only had one friend, Jackson. But most of his 'friends' just wanted to make him do their schoolwork which he never complained about and did as he told. One day, he overheard his conversation with one of his classmates when his classmate asked why did he do it but his answer brought a warm smile to his face, "It made me happy. I gained new pieces of knowledge when you guys asked me to do your homework." 

"-hyung?? Taehyung! Are you okay?" Taehyung blinked when Namjoon is staring at him. "Oh? Yeah, I'm okay.' He answered, giving the boy the sweetest smile he had. "You had me worried back there. You were being all smiley and your face turned red." Namjoon explained and sighed. "But I'm glad you're okay. Anyway, do you have a place to go??" Namjoon asked him again making Taehyung shyly rubbed his nape while shaking his head. "That's okay. You can stay at my house but it's quite small so I hope you're fine with it." Taehyung quickly nodded his head at the offer. After they arrived at Namjoon's home, Taehyung greeted his mother who was busy making rice cakes. "Thank you for letting me stay here." He thanked his mother. "You can sleep in my room tonight. If you need anything just let me know, okay?" Namjoon smiled at him. 

The next day, 3/9/2014

After a long day in school, Taehyung went straight to find a job so he can at least pay Namjoon's mother back for letting him stay last night. When he heard there was a fight around the neighborhood, at first he didn't care about it but what grabbed his attention was Namjoon was there, staring at the short man. He looked at them both and slightly tilted his head, 'are they having a conversation through their eyes?' he shook his head at his own thought, and when Namjoon has finally walked away with his friend, Jackson, he turned his head to the short man who continued beating the man on the floor. He cringed a bit before walking away, carry on with finding a job. After almost 2 hours of finding a job, he sighed, failing to find one so he decided to find it again after he showered. When he arrived, there he saw Namjoon with the short man again standing 10 feet away, staring at each other. He quickly hid behind a tree and observed the two. After Namjoon finally gets into the house, he immediately walked to the short man, stopping him from going anywhere. "I saw you were fighting those guys alone. I want to join you." He said, showing the man that he is serious. "The fuck is your name?" The short man asked with an obvious boring look on his face. "Kim Taehyung."

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