chapter 12

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Yoongi finally lets out a sigh as soon as he walk behind the abandon building, not far away from where he met his 'father'. He hold back his tears and grit his teeth, cursing some unheard words before punching the walls behind him. He smirk a bit as he stares at the blood on his fist. Watching the blood dripping down off his fist excites him so much that he starting to laugh but when reality hits him, the laugh slowly turn into tears. He immediately stops crying when he heard a sudden footsteps behind him. He quickly grab its arm and push the person against the walls, pressing him tight just to find out it was Namjoon. He utter a quiet relief sigh before letting him go and look away to wipe his tears. Namjoon clear his throat and stare at the shorter man for a while. His eyes widen when he realize that the man is bleeding. "You're bleeding! Are you okay??" He ask as he grasp the man's arm, watching the blood with a cringe look. "Why are you so careless? If Jin hyung see this, he will definitely be mad at you." Hearing Namjoon said that almost make him laugh before looking up at the taller man. His eyes soften a bit when he can see the concern and cringe looks on the man's face but when he realize what he was doing he quickly yank his arm. "The fuck are you doing here brat?"

"I saw you were having a conversation with an old man but you looked so angry so I thought following you was a good idea..which it is! I'm glad I followed you! Look at your hand now it's bleeding!" He smile smugly making Yoongi roll his eyes. "Go home kid. It's late." And with that he walk away, leaving Namjoon behind like always. But Namjoon being himself, of course he will follow him since the blood on Yoongi's fist bothered him. "Let me help you at least." Namjoon pout. Since Yoongi is too lazy to get himself into another argument, he decide to let the man do whatever he want. As soon as they get home, Namjoon watch him getting the med kit box. He chuckle quietly when the man is cursing some words he never heard before, struggling to put the ointment on his own fist. Without saying anything, he take the ointment and gently applies it to the bruised fist. 'Why do you have to do this to yourself? You let yourself suffer by holding on your past with full of anger and hatred. Why can't you just let the past go? Why can't you let yourself be happy? Why do you have to live your life like this, Yoongi hyung? What did your father do to you in the past that changes you to be like this? I can hear the pain when you cried and hearing you cry makes me wonder, how many time have you had to force yourself to be strong? For some reason, I can feel the sadness you hid from us. I know this is not the real you, hyung.' Namjoon smile sadly at his thoughts as he look up at the man. 'If you ever feel sad or lost, I promise I will be there for you hyung.' Namjoon smile at him, showing off his dimples, "Done." he say proudly. 'Even if you don't want me anymore.'

Hello everyone! I am truly sorry for not updating. These past few weeks have been rough for me since I am struggling to find myself again so I had to deleted anything related to social media and yes including this app. Anyway i hope you guys like this chapter because honestly i put my emotions to write this chapter hehe. And pls always remember that your mental health matter too. Take a break if you need it okay? find someone to tell your problems or story. You're not alone love <3 If you don't have anyone to tell, you can tell me instead :) I might not do much but I'm willing to help you :> And holy shit I just realize this book has reach 1k views??? Thank you so much everyone :(( I love yall <333

Edit; I just find out i can add videos omgg im so lamee ;-; btw i hope you guys like this chapter xoxo

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