Chapter 5

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"Gosh, do you have anger issues or what?" Namjoon ask jokingly with a small laugh. He immediately stop when he sees all the 6 men are looking at him, a pure shock on their face, disbelief from what they heard. Namjoon clear his throat, trying to not to look awkward before looking straight at the short man, "My name is Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. What about you?" he ask again, putting his hand out for a hand shake but get nothing instead. He look back at the men still staring at him. A man with a huge eyes and messy hair shake his head, motioning him to stop whatever he's doing right now. "Oh. He don't do hand shake." he mutters to himself before looking back at the man. "What the fuck do you want?" he ask, his expression clearly shows that he already hate the tall man. "I want to apply my application to work here." Namjoon says as he give him his application paper.

Yoongi take the paper, reading all the information about him. He smirk as he look back into the man's eyes and rip the paper into pieces then he throw it on his face before continuing to eat his steak. The same man with a broad shoulder and a man with brown hair take that as a sign as they grab both of Namjoon's arms. "I'll come back again tomorrow!! Expect me to be at your front door at times like this okay!? Bye!!" Namjoon shout, not minding himself being drag by the two men. "We are sorry but please make your way to the exit." the man with brown hair says, showing the huge gate. "Gosh, I know Mr.bodyguard" Namjoon says smiling. He lightly hit the the man's chest before making his way to the gate. "He must be joking right, Hoseok?" the broad shoulder man ask, feeling concern while watching the tall man walk away happily. "I don't know. I really hope he is." Hoseok answer with a sigh.

The next morning, Namjoon come to the mansion again but fail. "Let me work here." says the tall man only to be ignored by the short man. This keep on being repeated until the next few days. After 5 days of trying, Yoongi finally give up. "Tell me brat, what exactly do you want?" Yoongi ask while clenching his fist, preventing himself from punching the annoying man. "I've told you so many times I want to work here." Namjoon explain with a small pout before smiling again. "Why do I need to hire someone as brat as you? As you can see, I already have my men who work for me so.." Yoongi walk closer to Namjoon until he could feel the walls behind him. 'too close.' the tall man thought. He kinda feel glad because there's only two of them in the room but he still feel uncomfortable with the small gap between them. "...what can you do for me though?" he ask with a deep, low voice while licking his lips that makes Namjoon shiver. "D-don't understimate me, y-you damn s-shorty!"


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