chapter 22

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This chapter contains trigger warning. Read at your own risk.


The two drink in silence while watching the beautiful night scene of Daegu. "It was my father. The man who tried to killed you." Yoongi said calmly without looking at Namjoon who was staring down at him. "He hated people like us. You know, gays." Yoongi shrug. "Wait you're...?" Namjoon couldn't finish his sentence when Yoongi nodded his head. "When he found out about me being gay and Yoonji, a trans, he forced us to slept with some sluts he met at some random bar. He thought by doing that, we'll miraculously turn straight." Namjoon is quiet the whole time, listening carefully to every word that comes from his mouth. Yoongi takes a sip at the burning taste of soju and sigh.

"It happened quite often but I couldn't do anything about it because I wasn't strong enough to fight him back so I just let him be but then he became so fucking aggressive when we didn't 'turn' straight so he started to blame my mom for everything. And every time he made her his personal punching bag, I was only there, witnessing everything without doing anything because I was scared. I know I should have done something, anything, but-" Yoongi stop talking and after a few seconds, he continues, "That fucking bastard killed her right in front of my eyes and that's when I had enough so I tried to killed him but Yoonji said it wasn't worth it. That's why we got him locked up until few weeks ago, he escaped." Yoongi then tighten his grip on the soju can as he shuts his eyes closed, all the painful memories came back. "Crazy bastard." He mutters before slowly open his eyes to look up at Namjoon who was quietly staring at him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was scared that he might hurt you and the thought of not being able to save the person who means so much to me terrifies me. If that ever happens, I don't know what I'd do with my life. Once is enough." Yoongi's voice was so gentle and his words were so genuine that it made Namjoon become speechless so he could only listen. It was his first time hearing him speak like that and seeing him being so genuine made him realize something. He is falling for the man in front of him. He is falling for Yoongi.

Namjoon didn't even realize what he's doing as he leans closer and stop when his face is an inch away from Yoongi's. He notice himself closing the gap between them. He hesitant when he feels Yoongi's warm breath but slowly presses his lips against Yoongi's soft lips. 'Must be the alcohol.' Namjoon thought when he wrap his arms around his neck. At first, Yoongi was so shocked that he just stay still but after a moment, he gently kiss him back.


Taehyung couldn't sit still, thinking about Namjoon is alone with Yoongi bothers him that he decided to find him, he was worried something might happen to the person he cherish the most. In his mind, he's cursing Yoongi that he swear if that short man ever hurt Namjoon, he won't hesitate to kill him. While he was running, searching for him, he immediately stopped as soon as he saw the two at a park. He lets out a sigh and a small scoff when he saw them kissing.

"Did you get home safely last night?" is the first thing Taehyung asks with a soft smile as soon as he sees Namjoon's presence that morning. Namjoon didn't say anything but he only gives him a slow nods. "Hm? Why are you wearing a hoodie? Are you not feeling well?" Taehyung tilts his head seeing Namjoon wearing all black from the top to bottom. He place the back of his palm on Namjoon's forehead using his right hand and he did the same on his forehead using his left hand to check their temperature. "Ah-yes I'm feeling fine. Thank you for your concern." Namjoon answer with a nervous chuckle as he carefully remove Taehyung's hand from his forehead. A loud 'tch' can be heard behind them and when they turn their heads at the same time, Yoongi is glaring at them before he walks away.

The whole day, Namjoon is thinking about how to talk about the kissed with Yoongi but he was too embarrassed to even look at him. Each time they made contacts, Namjoon will immediately avoid his gaze. This happen for the next three days where he avoid Yoongi and Yoongi being Yoongi, he mostly doesn't care. When Namjoon is finally ready to talk about it, he decided to confront Yoongi so he gently knock on Yoongi's bedroom door. When he heard no one's answering, he carefully open the door to see an empty room. "Yoongi hyung..? Are you here?" He softly calls for the man. "What?" The man's sudden voice made him flinch. "I'm sorry for bothering you but can I get inside?" He asks and quickly gets inside his room, closing the door as soon as Yoongi gives him a nod. When he realize Yoongi wears nothing but a towel wrapped around his pelvis, his face instantly turn red. "So you're here to waste my time or what?" Yoongi ask when he notice Namjoon is staring at him as he grabs another towel, drying up his wet, messy hair.

Namjoon gulps and gives him nervous smile. "No. I just want to talk about the other day-" Namjoon were being cut with Yoongi's, "Nothing happened the other day. We were just drunk and that's it." And hearing those words crush Namjoon's heart into million pieces.

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