chapter 23

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After hearing that, Namjoon never said anything but only bow his head to him and walks off. He avoided everyone who tried to talk to him because he's trying to hold back his tears. As soon as he gets out of the house, he takes a deep breath and as he was about to leave, somebody stop him. He turns around with teary eyes to see Taehyung is frowning.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?" The man immediately asks when he sees Namjoon's eyes while firmly holding Namjoon's shoulders. Namjoon's lips were trembling, clearly showing that he's trying hard not to cry. "Blame me. Whatever it is, blame me. I'm sorry. I was at fault." Taehyung says, his eyes are trying to find Namjoon's. His face looks so confused and concerned as he brings Namjoon into his arms, rubbing his back gently. "Don't blame yourself. Everything is on me. You did nothing wrong, Namjoon." He softly said and soon he can hear a quiet crying sound from Namjoon. "I'm so sorry." Taehyung says again.

"Make sure to get some rest, okay?" Taehyung ask, showing off his boxy smile after they're finally at front of Jackson's house. He then put his hands inside his pockets. Namjoon smiles back and nod. "Thank you for everything, Taehyung. And thank you for this spicy chicken as well. I'll be sure to eat it well. Oh and I don't think I'm going to work tomorrow because..." he stop, his eyes wanders while trying to find the right words to lie. "Because I'm not feeling well. That's okay, right?" He ask as he look at Taehyung's face but avoid looking at his eyes. Taehyung chuckles and gives him a nod. "Good night and sweet dreams Namjoon."

"He seems familiar." Jackson suddenly said right after Namjoon stepped inside the house. "Huh? Who?" Namjoon ask while handing him the spicy chicken that Taehyung bought for him. "The man who bought you this." Jackson's sentence made Namjoon furrowed his brow. "You're hallucinating." He simply said as he grab a wide plate. "Am I?" Jackson look at him and decide to shrug it off for now, helping Namjoon with the chicken.

'I can't come to work today because I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry hyung.'

Yoongi grunts when he receives the message from Namjoon that morning. "What a fucking pussy." He mutters, staring at the screen of his phone before throwing it away. He then takes off his shirt and grab his towel to take a shower.

He lazily walk downstairs and make his way to the kitchen. "Coffee." Is the only thing he said when he sees Taehyung in the kitchen. He sits on his usual chair and grab the newspaper. "What did you do to him?" Taehyung's sudden question made him stop his doings. "Nothing." He simply answer with a shrug as if he already knew who the 'him' is. "What did you say to him?" Taehyung ask again but his voice is much more colder than before. Yoongi is now looking straight at him, a small smirk appearing on his lips. "Nothing."

A sudden loud crash can be heard in the house, making every member make their way to the kitchen to find Taehyung is on the floor, coughing blood. "Know your fucking place, you piece of shit." Yoongi says and as he's about to kick Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook immediately grab Yoongi away from him.

Taehyung gets up and launch himself to Yoongi, hitting him few times before getting dragged by Seokjin and Jimin. "I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO NOT HURT HIM." Taehyung yell, trying to punch Yoongi again but he's being stopped by Seokjin and Jimin. Taehyung frown when Yoongi suddenly laugh, blood dripping out from his head. He wipes off the blood before finally opens his mouth. "That's the thing Kim Taehyung, I can do whatever I want to him. We both know that." Hearing him said that without any guilt and seeing his proud smirk makes Taehyung's blood boil as he use every energy he has to push both Seokjin and Jimin away, and punch the shorter man's face.

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