chapter 11

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Yoongi stare at Namjoon, almost surprised when he told him something personal, way too personal. But Namjoon seem as if he didn't care, as if he's always proud with himself being gay and it annoys Yoongi so much. "You should go." Yoongi simply say without looking at him. Namjoon tilt his head, feeling confused at Yoongi's sudden cold attitude. "What? Why?" he ask, still with his tilted head. Yoongi turn his head, just to meet Namjoon's pure eyes. "Because.." Yoongi went silence as he stare into Namjoon's deep brown's orbs. He couldn't hate the boy sitting in front of him and he hate himself for it. After a few seconds of silence, Yoongi sigh and look away. "Just go." after hearing his answer, with a frown on his face, Namjoon just nod and grab his bag on the floor. He can't lie if he say he's not hurt by Yoongi's sudden acts but then he realize he's still a stranger to Yoongi so he decide to let it slide. Yoongi watch him walk away from the balcony  until the sight of him is gone before letting out a frustrate sigh. "That brat is pissing me off so fucking much. I wish I could just.." He punch the air as he imagine Namjoon standing in front of him and let out a frustrate sigh again. "Why the fuck did I hesitate just now? Am I becoming a coward like him?" He make a small tch and drink the alcohol drink brought by Namjoon. "Just so you wait brat. I'll make sure you suffer while working here." He smirk a bit, already planning on what he should do to make the boy suffer. "Geez, thinking about him really give me an headache. I should take a small walk or I will explode here." He mutter and grab his jacket.

The late night walk really make Yoongi feel calm as the cold breeze hitting his face. "Min Yoongi?" He immediately stop walking when heard those voices behind him. "Is that you, son?" hearing the word 'son' make Yoongi clench his fist. Words could't explain his hatred toward the man he has been holding grudges with. He then turn around and there he is, proudly standing with a monstrous smile in front of him as if he didn't do anything 20 years ago, as if he doesn't have any guilt. "You're a grown man now. Why don't you give your father a hug?" Yoongi want nothing but to beat the man called 'father' that is standing proud with his wide open arms, waiting for his hug. He walk toward him, still with his clenched fist. "Put your disgusting hand away and shut your filthy mouth, you fucker." he say as he glare at the man. "A father? You dare to call yourself that after what you did to me and my bro-no" he stop before daring to look up at him with a small smirk. "my sister?" he feel satisfied when he see the man so call 'father' is glaring back at him. "I don't have a man call father. I never do. As long as I remember, I was raised by my own. I learned how to fight by my own. And I live in this shitty world by my own. All without a man call father. So who the fuck are you to call yourself my father? " Yoongi lets out a small sigh at the end and smirk when the man went silent. 'Just as I thought.' and with that, he walk pass him to go back home but stop when the man open his mouth. "I see. You're living your best life, huh? That fake mother of yours and oh that tall gay- I mean lover boy of yours.." The man couldn't finish his sentence when Yoongi suddenly grab the collar shirt of his. And his monstrous smile went wider when he see that fear and anger in Yoongi's eyes. "Listen here, shit head. If you ever, ever , touch any of my family. I'll make sure to kill you. And this time, I won't hesitate like 20 years ago." 

Hello all! im so sorry for the very late update. it actually took me a week to finish this chapter since i dont have ideas ;-; i hope yall like it. pls do vote and comment c: will really appreciate it though <: 

fun facts; im writing this chapter while listening to Christmas jazz lol 

Job // knj + mygTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon