chapter 20

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After a week, the mansion that has been silent is finally full of noise when everyone is back. Namjoon is doing his task as usual when his phone suddenly vibrates, receiving a message from an unknown number.

'You must be Namjoon'

Is what appears on his screen. He furrowed his brows. As he was about to reply, he received another message.

'Meet me at this location tonight at 8 and do not bring anyone with you'

A location was sent right after the message making Namjoon tilt his head. "What are you doing? I never paid you to be just fucking standing and playing with your fucking phone." A sudden voice behind him made him flinch that his phone slip through his hand but thankfully, he was able to catch before it could fell. He turn his head and smile nervously before bowing his head. "I'm sorry Yoongi hyung." He said, walking away.

He lets out a deep sigh when he's finally alone before he checks his phone again and bite his lip. "Should I go though.." he mutter to himself. After his shift is over, he hurriedly wears his jacket and shoes. He was in a rush that he didn't notice the person in front of hin and bump into him. "Woah careful there. Are you okay? You seem in a rush." Namjoon knew who it was soon as he heard the soothing and gentle voice. "I'm so sorry Taehyung. I didn't mean to. And not really, I just.." Namjoon went quiet, trying to find the right words to lie. "I just..need some food for my friend!" He avoid Taehyung's gaze knowing how much he hates lying. He gives Taehyung a small, nervous smile before bowing his head to him. "Good night and see ya tomorrow!" He said in a cheery voice as he walk off.

"Is this the place though?" He muttered as his head went from looking at the location on his phone to looking around. It was a dark alley and he couldn't help but nervously text the unknown number.

'I'm here'

As soon as he tap the sent button, he heard a notification sound behind him and he widen his eyes. He slowly turned around and sees a man, almost the same height as him with a creepy smile on his face is standing there. "Who are you..?" Namjoon's voice is slow enough that only the two of them can hear. "So you're the boy who my son is obsessed with." The man's deep voice sent shivers to Namjoon's body. "I don't understand...?" He asked as he slowly takes a step back but stop as soon as he saw the man taking out a knife from his pocket. At this point, his mind went completely blank. He didn't know what to do or where to run so he just stood there. When the man makes his way to him, he just stood still. He wanted to run but his body won't move. He shuts his eyes close when the man suddenly put the pointy knife on his left cheek. "Stop playing dumb." The man said as he put pressure on the knife. A tear fell from his eye and this moment, he could only pray. Pray that someone will help him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" A man yell and punch the man's face. Namjoon immediately open his eyes when he heard the voice. "Yoongi hyung.." his voice was trembling as he fell on the ground. Yoongi then grab the man's collar, his whole body is shaking and this happens when he's mad. "I fucking told you to not touch them or I will fucking kill you bastard." he said with deep voice yet tremble voice as he is trying his best not to lose control. When the old man laughs, he punch his face again. "I told you I missed you." was the only thing that came out from the old man's mouth. "Go fuck yourself." Yoongi said with full of disgust as he gives the man one last punch making the man faints before he push him away.

"What about him? Is he alright?" Namjoon keep asking the same question for the past few minutes, while letting Yoongi drag him and not minding him holding his wrist. "Can you shut the fuck up and just fucking worried about yourself? You were almost got fucking killed by him so why the fuck do you care so much?" Yoongi look up at him with full of anger. When Namjoon didn't answer, Yoongi gets his phone from his pocket and lets out a small 'tch'. "And why the fuck did you go to this location when you don't even know whose number it is? Are you that fucking stupid? Gosh how the fuck did you have 148 iq when you can't even use it for goods for fuck's sake." Yoongi lets out a frustration sigh as he push his hand away.

Tears swelled on Namjoon's eyes after hearing all the insults. He turn to see all the members are staring at them and he look down, feeling ashamed with himself. "I'm sorry" he said quietly as he bow his head and walks away. Taehyung stop in front of Yoongi but didn't say anything. They're both standing in front of each other and Taehyung's giving him a cold stare but Yoongi being Yoongi, he just put that boring look he always have. Taehyung shakes his head as he turn to chase after Namjoon while Yoongi just stare at him. "Brat." He mumble before making his way to his mansion.

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