chapter 25

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This is a long chapter about Taejoon

"Are you going to work?" Jackson ask while watching Namjoon tying his shoelaces. Namjoon only nods. When he's done, he gets up to get his bag but his arm is being held by Jackson. "Wait! The man the other day, the one who bought you the spicy chicken was Kim Taehyung." Namjoon blinks in confusion. "I know..?" He answers. "You dumb fuck. Here look at this." Jackson then shows him a school yearbook, pointing to a boy who was smiling, showing off his boxy smile to the camera. "See? It's the same man, right?" Jackson asks. Namjoon didn't say anything as his eyes went down to find the boy's name. 'Kim Tae hyung' is written on the book. "It is." He mutters.

"He was the famous junior that got every girls wet, including the seniors and I heard some teachers as well." Jackson whisper at the last part. "And every time somebody asked him out, he rejected them. Some rumors said he used to had a crush on someone but he got rejected by them." Jackson sighs. "Whoever the crush was, they must be devastated because he's a grown man now. Did you see his body? They're bigger than you!" Jackson teases Namjoon but the taller man doesn't say anything.

As soon as he reach the mansion, he does his usual morning greeting. When he finally sees Taehyung, he calls out for him. He then gesture the man to come to him. "What's wrong, Namjoon?" Taehyung ask, slightly tilt his head. "Hyung for you." Namjoon jokingly say and giggle when he sees the confusion on Taehyung's face. "You don't remember me? I'm the one let you stayed at my house 6 years ago." Namjoon explain and smile, dimples on his cheeks can be seen. Taehyung's face softens as he smiles. He gives him a short nod.

"You left without saying goodbye. I was worried about you." Namjoon says, pouting. "I even went back to your dad's house because I thought you returned there but there was nobody." He adds and seeing his plump lips pouting makes Taehyung laugh. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I should've told you sooner but I'm okay now." Tehyung grins and pats his cheeks. He couldn't resist the taller man's cuteness.

"Happy birthday hyung." Taehyung smiles as he hands him a big box. Namjoon looks at the box then at him. "Today is my birthday?? Wait how did you..?" He ask. "I did some research." Taehyung shrugs and smile. "Open the present." He adds and Namjoon did what he's told with a smile plastered on his face.

There's a chocolate cake with a simple 'Happy birthday Namjoon!' written on it. Namjoon's smile turn upside down when he notices the cake. "This is.." he murmurs.

The day after Namjoon's birthday and his parent's funeral.

Namjoon walked home with an obvious tired look on his face. His dark under eyes were visible and they were swollen as well, clearly showing that he hasn't been sleeping and crying. As he was about to reached the doorknob, somebody stopped him. "Kim Namjoon?" Namjoon turned around to see a delivery man. "Yes?" He answered expressionlessly. "Here's a delivery and a card for you." The man handed him a big box and a small happy birthday card to him. "But I didn't-?" Namjoon looked up at him with a confused look. "Have a nice night." The man bowed his head and walked away.

Namjoon opened the box and there's a chocolate cake with a 'Happy birthday Namjoon!' written on it. He then read the card. 'It was not your fault' . His lips trembled and soon he broke down into tears. "Mom.." he muttered and cried.

Taehyung who was watching him from afar sighed, he wanted to give the man a hug but he couldn't. So, he only watched him until the man went inside his house.

Namjoon lived with Jackson.

"Somebody gave you this." Jackson said, handing him a box. Namjoon tilted his head. "Do you know who?" He asked as he opened the box. It was the same chocolate cake with 'Happy birthday Namjoon!' written on it that he received last year. "Don't know. I just got home and it was there, right in front of the door." Jackson shrugged, grabbing his towel.


"Chocolate cake? Didn't you received the same last year?" Jackson asked, peeking over Namjoon's shoulder then at his face. Namjoon nodded and smiled. "I wonder who bought this for you." Jackson said as he watched Namjoon taking a picture of the cake.


"Again?" Jackson asked as he looked at the cake inside the box before looking up at Namjoon. "Are you sure it's not from your own family?" He added. Namjoon only nodded and smiled. "Thank you, mom." He muttered and clasped his hands together, making a wish.

Taehyung smiled when he saw Namjoon's dimples from afar. 'I'm glad you like it hyung.' He thought, putting on his glasses and walked away.


Namjoon was walking home when he saw a box on the floor right in front of the door. He reached for the box and sees what's inside to find a chocolate cake with a 'Happy birthday Namjoon' on it. He immediately went to the same cafe where the cake was from. "Excuse me, this cake is from this store right?" Namjoon politely asked with a smile. The cashier nodded. "Do you know who paid for it?" He asked again. "No. But I think the person left the store just now." The cashier answered with a small smile.

Namjoon then ran outside the store while looking around, to find whoever the person was. When he couldn't find the person, he shouted, "Thank you! Whoever you are, thank you!" Hoping that whoever the person is heard his shouting.

Taehyung who was sitting on a bench few meters away from him smiled widely when he heard him said that.


"Is it strawberry flavored this time?" Jackson asked as he arched an eyebrow while peeking inside the box and sighed in disappointment when it was the same chocolate cake. "Whoever gave you this are so persistent." He said, a little 'tch' escaped his lips. Namjoon chuckled, muttering a 'thank you, mom' before cutting the cake.

"Don't you find it weird? This person bought the same cake and it's the same happy birthday Namjoon from the same cafe since 2016!" Namjoon smiles and shrugged without saying anything while taking a bite of the cake. "At this point, I believe it's your guardian angel who gave you this." Jackson said as he took a bite as well. Namjoon frowned. "Stop saying nonsense. It's my mom." Namjoon said and rolled his eyes. "Nope. I truly believe it's your guardian angel."

Present, 12/9/2020.

Namjoon slowly looked at Taehyung, who's smiling the whole time. His eyes are widening in disbelief. "It's guardian angel.." he whisper.

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