Teachers Pet

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It was the middle of the year when y/n y/l/n had started to gain more attention from boys. She pushed it off as if it was nothing and continued on her way. Her best friend Draco on the other hand could tell, he too was one of those boys. Draco may have been cruel, vile and even mean to Harry Potter, but he treated y/n like a princess even if she didn't know it.
Both were walking to Professor Snapes class at this point, having it being the last class of the day for them. "Maybe this summer you could come stay at the Manor? I'm sure my parents won't mind." Y/n turned and faces Draco, giving him a smile. "Sure, sounds like fun." Draco had always tried to get her over to show her new things and be able to win her heart, not knowing who he was up against. "So.. tell me Bunny.. why all of a sudden do you want me over hmm?" Y/n says, using the nickname she had given Draco when they were kids, knowing he hated it. "Well, I thought it might be fun, plus... I know how much you love gardens. If you don't want too fine. Not my problem." Says rudely, still trying to keep his reputation though. Y/n looked away a little hurt but shrugged it away quickly, staring at him. "You know, if you wanted to be a jerk. You could have just said so, but.. I know you Bunny... your not a jerk. At least not to me." He turns his head and looks at her, rolling his eyes. "Fine, I want you to be over because I know that if you are my father won't be so hard on me lately." He says and then y/n nods slowly. "Right... right, so.. your using me?" Y/n says with a giggle, looking at him. "Oh shut up. Be happy I'm even inviting you to somewhere as nice as my home Dove.." he says, finally using the nickname he gave her as a child. Y/n giggles again, before they reach the door.
Once in class, Snape started teaching, before yelling at Harry for "Not Playing attention" as her and Draco laughed. Snape seemed amused by the two and turned his eyes to face y/n while she was writing down notes. Draco saw and whispers. "Y/n!" Then nudges her arm with his elbow. "Professor Snape is staring at you." Y/n waved him off and whispered back. "Hush Malfoy." Y/n started to read more about what they were supposed to be working on as Draco scoffed. "I wonder why he would be looking at you." Y/n giggles softly at his remark and slightly turns her head toward him, saying in a teasing tone. "What? You jealous Malfoy?"
Snape could tell they were obviously talking about him, considering the two would glance up at him every so often. He thought to himself, 'What are those two bickering about' as he then make his way to their table. "Detention Miss y/l/n" y/n frowned, not knowing why she had gotten detention, looking up at the Professor before her. "What?" Professor Snape smirks slightly at the girl. "Maybe you should focus more on the lesson, rather than Mr Malfoy here." He says and stands now, walking off.
Draco looked at her, laughing with a smile. "Good luck." He grabbed his things and started to leave as all the rest of the students had as well. Y/n grabbed her things and started to clean up her area, before turning to the Professor. "What do I n-need to do for you Professor?" Y/n nervously asked as she walked slightly closer to him.

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