Could she?

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Draco's POV
The more I thought about that night, the more I couldn't get it out of my head. Everything had happened so quickly. First I was fucking y/n, then both Severus and Remus showed up, then our mother died. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact my mother had just died right in front of me. It broke me, killed me even, I didn't want to deal with it.
       "Hey, it's gonna be alright.." that's when I heard her voice. I turned to her and smiled, it was her. It was y/n, god she was so beautiful, the more I looked at her, the more and more I fell in love with her, god but I hated it. I hated how vulnerable she made me feel, it was annoying and stupid and I just wished she didn't make me feel that way. But her soft silky skin those beautiful y/e/c eyes and gorgeous y/h/c hair, she was perfect in every way and it hurt, it hurt me that she was my sister.
       "I know.. it's just hard to get over the fact I'll never see her again." I say as I laid my head in her lap, holding her close to me, loving the feeling of her fingers running through my hair. That's when I heard those dreadful words. "Y/n, it's time to go. You and I have business" I heard our father say as he walked inside. I could tell she didn't want to go and I felt bad, but I didn't dare go against my fathers words.
Y/n's POV
      I hadn't wanted to leave, I wanted to stay and comfort my brother, I never wanted to have to deal with using my body for my father. Tomorrow we finally go back to Hogwarts and that's when I'll finally be able to do what I needed too. "Yes father." I said as I went with him, not wanting to disobey him and have to do something even worse than last.
       "You're going to help me get him into this deal. Is that understood?" He said, handing me a box. "Now go put this on and meet me in my office." I heard him say and leave. I swallowed and hid in a closet, turning on the light and opening the box to see a beautiful dress inside, underneath it some red see through lingerie. I couldn't believe my eyes, I wouldn't do this. But if I did, I know he would be occupied, he would be busy.
       I reluctantly pulled the clothing on and make sure I looked good, acting as through I had a question, opening the door. "Father.. I was wondering I-.." I then saw him, smiling softly. "Oh.. you must be Kratovi.." I say as I sit on the desk now, giving him a seductive smile.
         "Sir, this is you're daughter?" He sounded so surprised, so shocked that it was me, but delighted, his look was disgusting I hated it, he looked at me hungrily as if I was some toy. "I'm his daughter.. but I don't call him daddy.." I made my way over, cursing myself in my head, sitting on his lap. This was all part of the plan, I don't love this man. I love Severus.. god Severus, that's it. Imagine this man is Severus.
       I turned my vision back to the man and now he looked just like him. Just like the man of my dreams. "What a naughty little girl you've been.." I heard him say, biting my lip. God this man could do anything he wanted to me and more, I fantasized about him now, needed him, wanted him. I'll see him at school tomorrow, maybe then I'll finally get something. "I've had my fair days, why? You wanna punish me for being a bad girl?" I say with a smirk and feel his hand go up the back of my skirt, making me shiver slightly. "Something has to be done.." Then I remember what my father needed and why I was even here in the first place. "You know, by working for my father, accepting this fate you lie within.. you could see me everyday, touch me, watch me.." As I said the words I hated them, my imagination of thinking he was Severus wasn't working anymore and I had to keep going, for my fathers sake. I turned slightly, looking at the clock and took a small sigh at the fact it was close to tomorrow.
        "Oh.. is that so.." he asked with his lips on my neck, I tried to wrap this up, hoping my father would say something because I was obviously uncomfortable. "Well, I guess you've just signed up, my daughter has something she needs to get done, as does my son. So if you'll excuse her.." he says and I pull myself from the mans lap, walking out of the room, sighing softly. "Oh thank god.." I then go up to go and pack my things to get ready to finally go back to school. "Well well, look who finally came upstairs.." I heard Draco's voice and turned around quickly. "Bunny.." I say softly and he stares at me. "Seducing men is one thing, but when it's for my father.." I felt his hot breath on my neck and I bit at my lip. "You shouldn't be doing such things. It's not good little sister." I was about fed up with him seducing me all the time, I pulled myself from him and scoffed, smirking. "Oh? And you seducing you're own sister into fucking you... so mature"
        I was now pressed against the wall, his hand under my dress and lips on my ear. "I believe it's time to get to bed, we have an early start tomorrow, and I'm sure you want to be well rested for that Professor of yours don't you?" I pulled myself from him and made my way to the bed, slowly going and getting under the covers. Draco scoffed and I could tell he was upset with me, just getting into bed with me, pulling me against his chest and falling asleep with me.
Draco's POV
     I had woken up before her and decided to be a good brother for once and make her food, I went down to the kitchen and made us both something, coming up and seeing her waking up. "Here I made you something to hold you while we're in the train." I said and I could see her smile, she was happy I wasn't trying to seduce her, trying to fuck her, but I felt weird, I didn't like being soft and nice, it felt weird.
     "Draco, Y/n. Time to leave.." I heard our father say just minutes after we finished eating. The two of us got our things and hurried off to get to the train station. My father had helped us get through and we were finally making our way onto the train. "I have some important things I need to take care of." I heard her say and I nodded, wondering what could be so important, that's when I knew. She was gonna try, she was gonna try to seduce Harry Potter.

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