The Ultimate Sacrifice

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Snape's POV
     Where was she? What happened to her? Those questions lingered in my head and I couldn't get them out. As me and Remus had finally made it to the Malfoy manor that night we saw Lucius and went to go have a chat with him.
"So I see you've figured it out?" I heard him say in his arrogant words. "Why would you fucking use her for her body?" I yelled out, not being able to control my emotions. "Severus calm down now, there's no point in being angry." Lucius smiles as he turns to Remus. "And you, well.. I see now she has three men in love with her. Clearly by the look in you're eyes, you've both slept with my daughter. Says a lot." I couldn't take his arrogance any longer, slamming him against the wall. "Why did you use you're daughter for her body."
"Same way I get what I want. As soon as she pulls her clothes off, seduces a man, he'll do anything she asks him too. Anything she wants him too as long as he gets to fuck her." His words came out so calm and I couldn't help but want to punch him in the face. "You let guys fuck her, use her just to get what you wanted." He smirked at me and that's when I knew, I through him to the floor and yelled "Sectumsempra" and walked off to find her.
Lupin's POV
I watched Severus use the spell of his own creation to further hurt Lucius, before then walking off. I stood there for a few seconds before I then followed him. "Where is she.." I heard him mutter under his lips. I heard moaning in a room and I feared the worst, going inside and seeing before me what I never wanted to see. "Severus." I said angrily and he came and looked into the room, I could feel he was upset two, the both of us mad about the same thing. "Well well, seems someone moves on fast." I said through gritted teeth and I watched her pull herself from Malfoy. "I.. Remus Severus please.." I heard her words and they made me so angry. I wanted to punish her what she see to me. What she did to us.
"And who gave you a right to speak to my little sister that way." Malfoy blurted our breathlessly and more anger flew within me. Little sister! If she was you're little sister why the fuck were you fucking her.
Y/n's POV
I couldn't help the feeling, the feeling of Draco inside me, I moaned out loudly, not having heard the two come in, then I heard his voice. "Well well, seems someone moves on fast" I heard Remus say angrily. I quickly pulled myself from Draco, trying to cover my body, shaking my head. "I.." I started but didn't get to finish, then flinched when Draco yelled. "And who gave you the right to speak to my little sister that way!" He yelled and I could tell how angry the two of them were.
"And this is what I get for loving a whore!" Severus yelled and it broke me inside. A whore? Is that what I am? Seducing my way through just to fulfill my dads wishes? Doing whatever just to make others happy? Tears started to come to my eyes at his words and now I didn't care what he did or whether he sacrificed himself for me or not. "You wanted to sacrifice yourself for me. Do it! Kill yourself for all I care! I'm done!" I screamed at him, pulling my clothes on and going to leave but Remus shuts the door angrily.
"You think we'll let you away that quick?" His voice trials as he picks me up and throws me on the bed, Severus following close behind. "You may be a whore, but you're our whore, now. This sacrifice will be made. But it will be you're beloved father who's being sacrificed." Severus says, my eyes growing wide. They wanted to keep me, even after all I did, but now they wanted my dad dead? How would I be able to do that? Although maybe it would be nice to not be controlled all the time by him, not be told what to do with my body.
That's when I heard it, his voice. I knew he was back and I had to do something. All 4 of us quickly ran out into the hall, seeing my mother with my father as he lied on the floor and the dark lord standing near them. "Ah there she is, the one that got away.." his voice trails as he then looks at them. "There's been a new sacrifice." Severus starts and turns to Lucius. The dark lord stares at us. "What makes you think he's the ultimate sacrifice." I walked closer to him. "He's the reason Potter isn't dead. That's why." I say and he then turns to them.
"Avada kedavra!" I hear him yell but instead of watching my father die, it hits my mother, killing her. My eyes widen in hurt, sadness even and I hear Draco scream. I pulled him to me and let him burry his face into my neck, running my hands through his silky blonde hair. "Listen to my directions and kill Harry Potter or next it'll be that beloved brother of yours." And with that he disappeared again.
"NO!" I heard Draco scream, forcing me to flinch lightly. "Bunny it's okay, hey.. it's okay.." I say even though I was breaking inside as well, how could he do that. After everything. "That's it. The two of you need to come with us. We're going somewhere no one can find you two." No, I couldn't let them take me. If I let them and didn't kill Harry then this would all be over. "No, we're supposed to be back at school tomorrow. I can kill Potter then and afterwards he won't come for us anymore. Our mission will be fulfilled." I continued to run my fingers through Draco's hair to calm him down.
"Don't you realize you're never going to get out of this!" Remus yelled at me and I sighed. "Don't you two ever think about anyone but yourselves. What if I want to do this? What if I want to kill Harry?" Remus stares at me and shakes his head. "You're not going to kill him y/n. He's not going to fall for you're tricks."
"That's the thing, Harry Potter doesn't know my tricks and never has. He'll fall for me as soon as I take my clothes off. Every guy does." And now it's just a matter of time before Potter is wrapped around my finger. I'll obviously toy with him for a while before killing him. But, now I know what it's like to finally really feel alive.

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