Malfoy's love

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                               Y/n's POV
             As I was going to all my classes I couldn't help but remember everything that happened of that night and even my deviant little plan to stay with Malfoy in order to get Professor Snape's attention. I had to act completely and utterly in love with Draco, but how would I do that? He knows I left him, but he doesn't know why. I then smirked to myself, knowing he would do anything just for my love. I walked down the corridor to find him when I had then "accidently" bumped into him. "Bunny!" I said excited, but for some reason he was not happy to see me. Nothing a little gift won't make better. "And what do you want?" I him ask annoyed. I frowned, playing the victim so he would have sympathy for me. "Bunny, I didn't do anything.. you're supposed to be my best friend. Why are you acting like this?" I heard him scoff and he grabbed my arm hard, shoving me to the wall. "Do you think I enjoy being played that way!" He yelled in my face as he slowly put his hands on either side of my head. "I'm not just some toy you can play with whenever you want y/n." I could hear the hurt and anger within his tone, that's when I knew I had to do something to make him stay with him. I couldn't loose him, not now when my plan was going perfectly, when I finally figured out how to get to Snape.
          "I'm done being you're little pet. I fucked you because I loved you." I hear him say, sadness and hurt now in his tone. "Not just because I was doing it for fun. And what? You just leave me there all by myself, to where? hmm.." He let his voice trail as he forced my wrists above my head so I couldn't escape his grasp. "Where were you!" He demanded and I whimpered in response, I never knew this side of him, this side where he was so much like his father. "I.. I couldn't sleep.." I confessed in a whimper, which was technically true. "Then what? Clearly you would have come back when you started getting tired and you didn't. Stop lying to me and tell me where the hell you were!!" He screamed at me again, tears were falling from my cheeks because I knew I couldn't loose him, I looked around but there wasn't a classroom or teacher in sight to save me. He had me, all under his control and he wanted to be, he needed to know, but if I told him I'd loose him and everything was going according to plan.
      That's when I got it, I understood what I needed to do to get him, I needed to give him what he wanted, what he truly desired for him to finally stay with me, for him to be apart of the plan without even realizing it. "Draco.." I said softly but he refused to let me go and even tightened his grip on my wrists, now holding them with one hand as his other gripped my neck harshly. "Where the fuck were you!" I knew now I had to tell him the truth, I had to tell him what he wanted to hear though, god Malfoy why must you be so difficult. "I.. I went out to find Snape.." I mumbled out and his grip grew tighter around my neck. "Why!" he yelled again and I continued, "I.. I needed to understand who I was really in love with.." I muttered quietly, tears coming down my cheeks. "AND?" I heard him ask annoyed. "A...And I choose you. Draco, I love you" I say, more tears coming down my face with a smile. I felt his grip on my neck loosen, I knew he believed me, who wouldn't believe a girl crying. "You.. you're choosing me?" He asked surprised and I nodded. "y-yes.. yes I choose you."
       His lips forced themselves on mine and I knew I had to make it seem believable so I kissed him back until slowly pulling away while he let me go. "I'm sorry.." He muttered to me as he felt as though he was acting horribly, which was completely true. I sighed and shook my head. Malfoy we're late for class. Let's go before we get another detention."
       Draco's POV
         As she had told me she chose me I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I had to be hearing wrong. Snape was her prince not me, but that's when I knew I had the upper hand now, I finally had the girl of my dreams, of his dreams and she was mine, all mine. I knew I would win in the end, who could resist Draco Malfoy? I thought to myself as I rushed to class with her, barely getting there.
       I couldn't stop thinking about my actions and how much I bet she thought I acted like my father. Why was I so rough with her? Why did I make such a fool of myself in front of her. "Children, today we will be learning how to turn animals into glass.." I then heard McGonagall say, turning my head and watching Y/n read some random book, but I couldn't quite tell what it was. "So, to began I would like you all to take out your wands and follow my words." She started, waving her wand. "1..2..3 vera verta" She then pointed her wand at the bird and it turned into a glass cup. McGonagall then went around watching all the students preform the spell after having giving a demonstration. At first she approached Ron, I watched contently seeing his wand was broken. "Okay Mr Weasley, 1..2...3 vera verta.." She repeated and I watched him do the spell, but instead of turning into a glass cup, it turned into a rat-shaped cut with a tail coming out of it. I laughed and then went back to trying it on my own animal, finally getting it, a proud smirk across my lips as soon as I had done it. "Ms y/l/n. Please show me the spell." McGonagall had said as she watched y/n preform the spell perfectly on her first try.
      As class had come to an end, I watched Y/n leave to go talk to another girl in Slytherin, Astria Clearwater, one of the best witching in our house, I snuck over to listen to their conversation, getting just close enough to hear their voices. "So you finally convinced him did you?" I heard Astria say and then slowly Y/n's voice. "Yes, he never believed me when I had told him I loved him. Sometimes Malfoy is just so stubborn.." I hear her say and can't help but smile at her words. "You two are adorable, best friends to lovers I see." I heard Astria say. I started to then walk away down the corridor and that's when I knew, I was the luckiest man alive to have her as my princess.
Y/n's POV
     "Is he gone?" I whispered to Astria and she nodded. "So tell me.... however did you come up with such a devious plan y/n?" I heard her ask my as she ran a hand through her long curly black hair as she sat on the couch across from me. "Let's just say, Severus can be very jealous when it comes to me being with other men" I said and I watched her smirk. "Does he now? Tell me what happened" She then leans back on the couch and kicks her legs to lay down. "Well, as you know I had just finished with Malfoy" I say with a small smirk, " But I couldn't sleep and he was already asleep so I just went to go talk to Professor Snape.." Astria smirks. "Well well, look who's been a naughty girl." I rolled my eyes at her comment and continued. "As we were talking he had seen one of the marks Malfoy left on my neck and got furious, he asked who did and I told him and all of a sudden he started acting in control..." I let my voice trial. "God, you're lucky.. I've wanted him ever since the beginning of 5th year.." Astria says, I then shrug my shoulders.  "After that, he pretty much taught me a lesson about who I really belonged too.." I then leaned in close to her. "For future reference, he's huge, and that man has a way with his hands and mouth.." Astria groans in annoyance. "God, I bet that felt so good" She says before shaking her head. "But, At least we know when you smell like Malfoy, he's going to make sure he shows you who you really belong too."
        That's when I got an even better plan, but this time, I couldn't tell her. I had to make sure everything worked out according to plan. We said our goodbyes and I headed to Professor Snapes classroom, but saw him with a girl. 'Who the fuck is she and what the hell is she doing with my prince..'

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