He's Back?

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Y/n's POV

        Ever since that night, ever since I heard those words I got scared. I knew I could never reveal my secret and that's what I was the most scared of. No one could ever know the truth. I paced around the Slytherin common room before Draco finally had enough and pulled me down. "You're making me crazy with all that pacing. Tell me what's going on?" Draco said as he softly put a hand on my cheek, rubbing my face softly with his thumb. "Voldemort.. he's back.. I-I'm scared what's gonna happen when he finally does.." I say, putting a hand on his leg. He pulls me into his arms, laying my legs across his lap as he lets me lay my head on his chest, running a hand through my hair lightly. "Please, don't stress yourself out so much, it's not good for you." I heard him say against my head, then felt his soft lips on my hair. I couldn't help but feel safe around him lately, feel warm whenever I was in his arms and just long to be with him. I couldn't be falling for him could I? I couldn't be falling for the boy I was supposed to trick into loving me. 

       Today was our day off so I stayed with Draco the whole day, letting him convince me everything was going to be okay, even when I knew it wouldn't. I couldn't let anyone know the truth about me, it would ruin everything. It would ruin my chances with Severus, my tricks and manipulation with Malfoy and even being Professor Lupins favorite student. Everything was perfect, because I created it to be, everything was going the way I wanted because I made it so. I had to find a way past it, past all these things, I couldn't keep casting spells to make it go away, make me seem as though nothing was wrong. I had to tell him, he was my best friend he deserved to know the truth, I did promise him no more secrets, but would he leave me as soon as I told him this? I couldn't risk loosing the one boy to first show me love, show me kindness. 

      "Don't start keeping secrets from me now.." He says with a soft smile on his lips. "Fine.." I say, but immediately regret it, knowing now that I have to tell him the secret that I've kept from everyone ever since I was a child. "Draco, I'm not who you think I am. And I'm sure when I tell you this, you're going to hate me. But, you deserve the truth." I could feel him tighten his arms around me as though he didn't want to leave me and I felt some form of happiness. Okay, this was time, time to finally reveal what I've been hiding all these years. 

Snapes POV

      That night we had together, her eyes staring into mine, the way she touched me when I kissed every inch of her body. I couldn't help but fantasize about this girl everyday, especially after a night like that. Each one of them we have, it's like she awakening something new inside of me and it drives me mad not knowing what it is.  I got lost in my thoughts before then remembering what Dumbledore had said, "Voldemort it back", his voice played in my head. How was I supposed to explain to the dark lord I had fallen for the girl I was supposed to torture to get where Potter was, then kill her after I finished. What was I going to do? I knew if I hadn't completed his orders I would end up dead. I couldn't do that, I couldn't leave her like that, I wouldn't leave her. I had to find a way to make sure she was safe. 

         "Severus.." I then opened the door to see Dumbledore. "Headmaster." I then watched him walk in and I closed the door behind him. "You shouldn't be seeing her. I know what you two have been doing. You smell like her." He says softly and I raise an eyebrow slightly. "And how would you know?" I asked, clearly wondering how he knew what the girl I was so deeply in love with, smelled like. "Because, I heard some male students talking about smelling her in their Amortentia. Roses, Cinnamon, and fresh laundry isn't it?" That's when I got upset. Other boys loved her? Smelled her in their Amortentia? She's mine, not theirs and if they ever touch her, they will be sorry. "Very well, although, I'm just taking orders from the dark lord." I tried to act as though it was all part of the plan, part of what I had to do in order to deceive him. "Severus as much as I want to believe you, I know that's not apart of your orders. Don't make me tell you again about this." I then watch him leave. I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't handle all the times he told me to stay away from her, she was way to perfect to leave, I wasn't gonna do it, but maybe, just maybe it's best I let her go. No! What was I thinking, I can't let her go... If anything I should fight harder for her. That's when I knew, I had to find her. 

Draco's POV

      I sat there, listening to her words as I broke inside, knowing now she'd lied to me. My own best friend lied to me for all these years about who she really was, why she even attended this school, I can't believe it. I didn't want to believe it, the things we'd been doing, the things we'd done since we were kids, it was all wrong. "...I'm sorry I should have told you sooner, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know this changes everything but please, don't hate me." I heard her tears in her words and I bit softly at my lip, not knowing what to even say. "Y/n.." I let out softly as I then felt her head bury into my chest as she straddled my lap and cried into my chest. I couldn't help but see her differently ever since she told me. All those things, they stayed in my head and never left. She was a death eater, she was.. god, she wasn't even supposed to come to this school, she was to be killed as a child because of her intelligence. She could have been killed and I never would have met her, no. I wrapped my arms around her though, knowing much well I still loved her and for whatever reason I couldn't get her out of my head. "This.. y/n this is wrong.." I let out softly, but she didn't move from my arms, in fact she even tightened her grip on me. "I'm.. I-I'm.. sorry.." I heard her cry out, I hated hearing her cry, I lifted her face and rubbed the tears from her eyes. "Hey, Hey.. don't cry, it's alright.. I promise you everything will be okay.." I kissed her lips once softly, even though I knew just how wrong it was. "Draco.." I heard her soft voice again and that's when I knew, I was in love with the very girl before me, the very girl who turned out to be my sister. 

Y/n's POV

      I soon pulled from my brothers embrace, wiping the tears from my face, pulling him to his feet and hugging his waist softly, before pulling away and looking up at him. "I.. I have to make sure he's alright, I promise I'll be back" I say softly, before dashing off into the corridor to find Severus. I soon knocked on his door, watching him open it I burst in, not being able to help myself I pulled him down and pressed my lips firmly against his, but today, today he wanted something else, and I knew if I wanted to be able to talk with him, I had to do exactly as he told me to do. 

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