Malfoy took it?

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                              Draco's POV
          When I woke up, I was laying in y/n's lap with her asleep as well. I slowly lifted my head, careful not to wake her at first before I couldn't hear anyone in the common room and then I heard noise coming from the great hall. I soon realized we were late for breakfast and shook y/n awake quickly. She groaned and tried to go back to sleep. "Y/n!!!" I yelled to wake her up. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "What Draco. I want to sleep. I was up with you." She whined to me. "We're late for breakfast. Now get up." I say, pulling her up. "Fine. Let me go fix myself." She says and walks to her dorm and I sit back on the couch, waiting for her. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night and how nice it felt when she ran her fingers through my hair. I remember how concerned she was for me, I had acted out yesterday and been a jerk to her, but she still treated me with kindness. I couldn't get her eyes out of my head those beautiful y/e/c eyes. But, I was then pulled out of my thoughts as I saw her come through the door. "Ready?" She nodded and we started to walk.
          As we had gotten into the Great Hall, Dumbledore was just starting to give his speech. We hurried over to the Slytherin table and sat down. "Made it just in time." I heard her say, and I couldn't help but smile. She always made me smile, she may have been my best friend, but I know I've always loved her as more than one. Although, I would never let her know of this. "Maybe we'll be able to see if any first years have gotten in trouble lately?" I say with a smirk and Y/n turns to me confused. "But, how could you tell if they get in trouble?" I roll my eyes and whisper. "They always have that look to them that shows they got in trouble. Y/n nodded and then looked back at Dumbledore before I could tell Snape was looking at her and got jealous, but hid it.
          In class, Professor Snape had taken over Defensive Against The Dark Arts. "Excuse me Professor, but where's Professor Lupin?" Harry had asked him and he sighed. "You'll find that your Professor is incapable of teaching at this time." He walked over to the screen and pulled it down. "Turn to page 394." Snape mutters as he walks back to a projector. "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" He asks as he walks back to the projector. I watched Hermione raise her hand but he clearly ignored her. "No one? How disappointing." He then turns around in front of the projector. "Please sir.." Hermione started and Snape didn't object. "An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." I smirk, howling before turning to look at Y/n. "You never did tell me, did you have fun in detention?" Y/n just rolled her eyes as of saying 'why choose now to ask', but agrees. "Oh yeah, he's quite the potions master." I then watched her smirk at Snape and he gave her a half smile, then glaring at me, before quickly turning back to teaching, acting as though it never happened. Y/n then gets really quiet, whispering. "He thinks you took it Malfoy." Y/n explains as she starts to take down notes. I roll my eyes, looking away, as I start to write some things down. "Oh please, like I would do that.." I say, before quickly going back to writing.
          Y/n had now been reading some of the pages of the book, not paying attention to what anyone was saying, looking over at me. "I think we have to finish an essay for tomorrow.." y/n says softly and I just shrug, not having really been paying much attention myself. Before our conversation gets interrupted by Snape walking over to us. "Mr Malfoy. Follow me. Now." I heard him say. 'Uh oh...' I thought to myself as I slowly packed my things up. Y/n whispered, "don't get on his nerves.." I just nod and then follow Snape.

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