His Feelings

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Y/n's POV
As I laid in bed that night, all I could think about was his soft lips on mine, my mind lingering as to what else could have happened if we really were allowed to be with one another. My eyes finally closed as I dreamed of a life free from harm, free from rules and being told what to do. In my dream, he was there. He was the reason for all this peace, for this beautiful house, beautiful world I had found myself in. His soft touch moved me whenever we danced along to some muggle music in our tiny kitchen, his words like the sun springing out on a cloudy day, warm, welcoming and beautiful.
As I heard a knock I opened my eyes, frowning. I couldn't help but realize how much I wanted my dream to come true. How I wished of a land where it was just the two of us, free to be who we wanted when we wanted to.
I shook my head and got ready for the day, knowing now that today was the day Snape and I would open the chamber. I was nervous and scared all at the same time, but then I remembered his lips on mine, his soft touch and I felt calm yet again. 'How does he do this to me? He makes me feel so loved... even in my dreams without doing a thing.'
As I made my way to Herbology, I ran into Draco. "And where have you been? I heard you got to the common room late last night." Draco smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, holding my book. "Oh shove off Malfoy, I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk around the castle, I needed to clear my head." I confessed, hoping with all my heart my best friend would believe me. "Very well. But you owe me for not telling me.." he says, I scoff. "If you mean a kiss, it's not happening." I then turn and walk off, trying not to be late for class.
"Now, I have supplied you all with earmuffs, if you don't want to go deaf, I suggest that you put them on. The screams of these plants can kill you." We heard Professor Sprout say. Me and Draco put our earmuffs on and I caught Harry's gaze, I knew what he was saying. 'Wow, I can't believe you're actually friends with him. Some Potter you are.' My heart sank, but I kept my composure and didn't let it effect me. I then proceeded to do as Professor Sprout had told us and pulled the plant out of one pot, placing it within another.
As most students started to finish up what we were told to do, everyone watched Neville fall to the floor. "Ma'am Nevilles passed out." I hear a Gryffindor say and Professor Sprout nods, sighing. "Well, leave him. I'll deal with it." With that, she ended class.
I couldn't help but be distracted with what I thought Harry had been saying to me. Maybe he saw me and Snape and he knows. No, he couldn't know. Thoughts were racing through my head and I couldn't stop them, until I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. "Woah, hey.. it's just me.." Draco said softly. I sighed, looking over at him, mumbling. "Sorry" before walking off with him to be able to go to broom practice.
         As everyone started to get on their brooms slowly by following Madam Hooch's instructions, one of the students' broom ended up going out of control and forcing them off it, falling and breaking their wrist. Us Slytherins chuckled as since it was a Gryffindor, we didn't care much. The other houses ran to go check on the poor boy, that resulting in the end of class early unfortunately.
         As school had come to an end, Draco and I were in the common room, resting. Draco had his head on my lap and I was running my fingers slowly through his silky blonde hair as we were talking. "Do you really think he's hurt?" Draco snickered, I pulled lightly at his hair which made him scoff. "Oh please Malfoy, we both know he's hurt. Now, if you excuse me.. I must be going. We've been here for 2 hours.." I mutter. "And what is so important you have to leave you're best friend?" Draco says upsetly and I roll my eyes. "I have detention with Professor Snape." I say and Draco sighs. "Of course you do. Always causing problems for him are we Mrs Malfoy?" He says with a smirk, clearly trying to get a reaction out of me. I tug harder at his hair, making him groan, which makes me giggle. "That's right. Mr. Malfoy." I say before pushing him from my lap and standing. "I guess I'll see you tonight." I say before finally heading off to "detention."
        "Ah, finally. Now, you need to open it." Severus says as he stares at me, I watch him in disbelief. "How am I supposed to open.." I start but then my eyes find a paper on his desk and grab it, shoving it into my pocket before he can see. "Well." He says impatiently. "Alright, fine. I'll do it. But you're coming with me." I tell him sternly and start walking to the abandoned girls bathroom.
                                Snape's POV
      I had never seen her so determined to be dominant. Normally I would yell at her and give her detention, but I was shockingly proud. She's usually so shy and quiet, who knew y/n y/l/n was really so confident.
      I quickly followed after her into the bathroom, making sure no one was around before I walked inside with her. She used parcltouge in order to open up the gate, which shockingly worked. After we both had gotten inside we couldn't help but feel a certain disparity. It felt as though I was in my own mind, it was a dark, horrible place.
        "Hurry. Maybe then I'll finally meet the owner of this diary." She mumbled as she held it within her arms, walking to the stand. "Y/n.." I said softly, earning her turning her attention to me. "It's in and out understand me?" I say and she nods ever so slightly as we both get to a door.
       This was the door we would finally be able to get in, all she had to do was speak parceltouge but nothing was coming from her as if she were paralyzed. "Y/n?" I asked again but there was no answer. My mind lingered at what the girl before me was doing. She wouldn't speak to me and she never moved an inch from the spot or even flinched at the sudden noises. That's when I knew, she truly is... Harry Potters sister.
                                Y/n's POV
       I heard him call my name but I was too focused on trying to figure out what to say to even respond. My body was still and no matter what happened I refused to move. Finally I found the words in my head and spoke it out in parceltouge, earning the snake to slither around and unlock the huge door, revealing a corridor. My eyes lingered on it for a while before I entered, walking inside and along the the small walkway.
      That's when I heard a voice. "My my, what do we have here.." I heard a boy speak and I turned my head quickly, it was him. It was Tom Riddle, here in front of me. "You're.." I started but he interrupted me. "Ah, Potters sister.. but what's this?" He leaned close to me, seeing my Slytherin robes and a smirk came across his lips. "So, I assume you've come to destroy me? Well, I have news for you little girl. No one can defeat me." He says with a powerful laugh. "Don't underestimate me Tom." I say, not even caring, standing my ground as I face him. He then walks around me, eyeing my body. "You really are his sister.. that braveness. No one is this brave when you're standing in front of the most powerful wizard in the world." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his foolish words. "Most powerful wizard hmm?" I say as I walk over and open his diary, turning some pages. "Hey. What are you doing with that!" He demands and I close it. "Well, I was going to give it back, but.. maybe I should just kill you." I say, earning a glare from Tom. "Well well well, the famous Potter thinks she can come here and destroy me. Wrong!" He then walks to a head in the middle of the chamber and speaks parceltouge, calling along the basalisk.
       Before I knew it I was using my wand to deflect and conquer spells to keep myself safe from the snake. I tried parceltouge but it only obeyed Tom. Then I thought to myself, 'what if I let him win? What if I let him have his glory. Maybe then he wouldn't kill me.' I could tell Severus knew what I was thinking because he burst out and yelled "Sectumsempra!" at Tom Riddle who then fell to the floor. I watched the boy crawl backwards as Severus came closer to the boy, I then took this time to try and defeat the snake.
       I used as many spells as I could, but all I could do was wound the animal, before I then got an idea. No one knew of what I could do, not even Severus, this was time, time I finally showed him. I jumped in the air and turned into my animagus, a Phoenix. I flew close to the large snake and clawed it's eyes out in order to make it weaker, before slowly turning human as I was on it. I then managed to get one of its teeth from its mouth and stab it through its head, resulting in the beast falling in the water and me getting all wet. I watched Severus battle Tom, before I held the diary close to me, I knew what I needed to do.
      Those thoughts had come back to me, what if I helped Tom instead of Severus? I then shook them out of my mind, taking the basilisks fang and stabbing the notebook, resulting in Tom starting to glow and rip apart, I smirked and stabbed the other pages, ink poring from them as I notice he finally disappeared into a matter of nothing. I dropped the book, and the fang, falling to my knees. I was exhausted from trying all those spells and making sure that everything was right. It was at this point I knew, I was never gonna be like my brother.
                               No ones POV
       It took about 4 hours for both Y/n and Snape to get out of the chamber. But once they did and cleaned up, it was nearly time to get to bed. Y/n turned to Severus and he smiled slightly at her for a few seconds before it disappeared. "You better head to sleep. It's late and we can't be seen together." He says and Y/n nods, before then walking off to her common room. Severus made his way to his quarters and laid on his bed, not being able to stop thinking about the girl and how badly she could have been hurt if she had chosen not to destroy the diary.
                          Y/n's POV 
      As I had gotten into the common room, I laid on the couch and took the little note I spotted on his desk from my pocket. I slowly started opening it up to read it, silently reading the words to myself.

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