Her Plan

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                                  Snape's POV
          There she goes again. She thinks she's so smug doesn't she? God, this girl drives me crazy and it's frustrating. I knew now I had to fight back, there was no way she was going to defeat me in this turn of events.
          "Pity way to spend time with me Miss y/n.. I thought you were better than that?" I say, a small smile forming on my lips. I watched her body language change slightly, she seemed to stiffen and I knew I got to her. "And yet, here we are aren't we?" I heard her say, walking closer to me, a smirk on her face. 'This girl doesn't give up does she.' I thought to myself.
          "You know, you're quite lucky Miss y/l/n. If it weren't for you, Dumbledore would have heard about this foolishness and gotten you expelled for dabbling in dark magic you don't even understand!" I yelled at her, knowing how much she could get hurt from something like this and hating myself for caring, but wanting to protect you. I then hear her giggle softly, watching her as she speaks. "You haven't told Dumbledore because I know you don't want me expelled. You want to save me. That's why you yelled at me, your worried I'm gonna get hurt." I rolled my eyes at her as I leaned against my desk, thinking. 'How can one girl be this ignorant. She may be right, but she knows I'll never admit something like this. What is she getting at'
          "Miss y/l/n. Stop talking and just listen to me. Give me the diary so no one else gets hurt. As long as Tom is locked in that book, we'll all be safe.." I then mumble softly under my breath. "You'll be safe." I watched her eyes widen, clearly she had heard me. "I knew you cared!" She blurt out as she walked practically in front of me at this point, before looking up at me, continuing softly. "But, you know I can't give you the diary. I want to find a way to trick him and I have an idea how." She then met my eye contact and made sure to hold onto it. "Do you trust me Severus?" She asked. This question lingered in my head for awhile. I did, I completely trusted her with my whole being. She's been the only girl, ever since Lily, who has ever actually cared about my feelings, about me and as much as I don't want her hurt, I need to respect hers. I'll figure out a different way to get the diary back, but for now I have to play her game, and hope I win.
                            Y/n's POV
          I had waited anxiously for his anwser, scared he was going to call me out again for calling him by his first name. 'What if he doesn't trust me? What if he just needed something? What I-...' but before I could finish my thought I heard his voice. "I trust you.." I heard him mutter, smiling ever so slightly to himself before sighing and continuing. "But messing with dark magic, such as Riddles diary. You could get hurt, it's very dangerous Dove.." the nickname slipped out of his mouth as if it was no big deal, but to me... it was everything. I could feel my face heat up.
          "I need your help. When I open the chamber.. you have to be there with me. I'm aware only the heir of Slytherin can open it. But, I've learned some things and I'm sure I have a way. Plus, you told me you trusted me." I say confidently as I crossed my arms, sighing. He scoffed quietly. "You're not listening." He then crosses his arms. "But, what is this plan you so desperately believe is going to work?" He says with a long sigh. I could tell he was only interested to keep me safe, I could hear it in his tone, the way his eyes would look at me and the way his body reacted to my words. I then thought to myself, 'Could he really love me? Does he think I'm the one?'
          "As long as he's got it stuck that I'll help him kill Potter, everything should fall in place. He may be dangerous, but one thing is for sure, Tom Riddle isn't very intelligent." I say with a matter-of-fact tone, pushing the questions lingering in my mind away. He gave me a stern look, his tone now matching his look. "Clearly you believe you can take down a powerful dark magic force. I obviously don't believe it to be true. Though, I will help you. Only, if you listen to me. Understand?" He then uncrossed his arms and walked to the other side of the room, starting to fix things out of place and I scoffed. 'You've got to be kidding.' I thought to myself, not really understanding why he was trying to control this entire plan I came up with.
          "Professor, if this is my plan then why do I have to follow your orders? You may be my teacher, but I'm the one who came up with the plan." I slightly shout at him, making him turn around and look at me, walking over and grabbing my forearm, leaning his face close to mine. "Don't. Ever. Talk back. To me." He says in a stern tone, my stomach feeling as though there were butterflies flying around inside. But, this time I knew I couldn't let him tell.
          "Oh, try all you want Severus. I'll always have an advantage. You may be feared by all the others, but me.. I'm sure by now you know how I really feel about you. Plus, you want to protect me? Fine, but my job is to make sure you're happy." I say, smirking up at him as I can tell he's somewhat shocked at my level of confidence. Then I saw it, for a split second. Snape smiled, he had smiled for the first time in forever and I knew it. "Very Well" I heard him start as he let go of me and walked back to the desk, stopping and turning. "But you mustn't dare tell others. This is strictly between you and me Dove. Understand?" He said and I heard it again. He just tossed the nickname around as if it were nothing, just another word. I loved it, 'Dove' I thought to myself. Those birds have such beautiful white wings. Maybe that's how he things of me.
          I then pull the Professor before me into a hug, he clearly wasn't expecting it because he hadn't hugged me back for a little, before I had pulled away from him. "I do, but this first part. I need to do it on my own." I started and he looked at him. "But.. I promise if anything happens I'll come straight to you.." I say in a slight teasing tone, a smile on my face.
          "Well, it's settled then." I heard him say, jerking me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him when he continued. "Do tell, why did you believe making me happy was possible? Why choose that as a goal?" As soon as he asked the question I giggled softly. "I chose you because I could feel how sad you are. It may be about something having to do with your past. I haven't figured that out yet..." I then bite slightly at my lip and smile at him. "I knew once we kissed I could bring out the happiness within you. I knew the one thing you tried so desperately to hide, I brought out in you.. isn't that correct Professor?" I asked, watching him give me another smile, but this time it didn't disappear after a while. "You, little one, you'll never know whether you truly make me happy or not. Or whether it is in my past or future. All I can say is, are you sure you didn't imagine that kiss?" He watched me, admired me, stared into my eyes and I felt my heart melt at his words. I didn't know whether to be upset or happy, I couldn't tell, so many emotions were in my head at one once. 'The things you do to me Professor.. if only you knew of how you made my heart flutter with just a small glance..'

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