Dont take him away

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                               Snape's POV
        I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss even after she left. There's something about that girl that I find myself drawn too. Maybe it's her soft skin, her perfect y/e/c eyes. Or even just her. Whenever I'm around her I can feel it. I finally feel loved by someone again.
          I was in my classroom, grading tests as I kept thinking about her and about yesterday. I then watched McGonagall walk in. "Albus wants you in his office right away Severus." I nod, not looking up at her. "Thank you Minerva." I then hear the door shut to my classroom and finish the last few papers I had to grade before heading up to his office.
          "You wanted to see me headmaster?" I asked as I had finally gotten to where he could see me. "Oh Severus." He says, standing up now. "I would like to discuss what Mr Malfoy told me." My heart dropped at hearing that. 'Did y/n tell Draco about what we did? How did Draco find out about this? Wait... this could totally be about something different.. but what if it's not?' "Very well, what did Mr Malfoy say?" I asked, keeping myself calm and emotionless as usual, not to seem different. I could hear Dumbledore sigh. "Mr Malfoy claims to have seen you and Miss y/l/n kissing. Is this true Severus?" Thats when I knew, I knew what was going to happen and I didn't want to believe it. It couldn't happen, no.
          "And why believe everything Malfoy says?" I asked, knowing if I remained calm and seemed as though nothing was wrong then I would get through this quickly. "Well.." he had started and I watched him walk from behind his desk to pace, before stopping and turning to me. "He seemed to be in shock or rather.. pretty shaken up when he came to confront me about it." Albus explained to me and I just nodded, to let him know I understood. "I see, well. Whatever Mr Malfoy thinks he saw, he's wrong. I was simply teaching y/n the spells you had instructed me."
          This is when I could tell he was getting suspicious of me, but the way he looked at me and his body language even. "Don't lie to me Severus.." he started as he started to pace again. "You know the consequences" I sighed, looking at him, wondering why he was questioning my loyalty at a time like this. "Would I ever lie to you Albus?" I stated to reassure him of my loyalty. He nods slightly, before now walking to be closer to me. "I believe you. But, I advise that you keep your distance from Miss y/l/n. At least for the time being." "Very well." I state.
         I then walk out of his office, going back to my classroom to grade papers, before thinking to myself. 'What if he finds out the truth? What if he finds out I lied to him? Will I ever see her again.' I then shake it out of my mind, sighing to myself as I knew I was overthinking.
                                 Draco's POV
         Me and Y/n were arguing in the hall about what I had seen and she refused to let me win. "You know I had to tell right? What Snape did was wrong." I muttered to her with a smirk across my lips. She stared at me and I could tell how upset she was about what I said. I knew how much she liked him and it make me so upset, I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want him to win. I always get what I want. ALWAYS!
         "Shut up Malfoy!" She yelled at me and I smirked. "Oo someone's getting all defensive." I said as I walked closer to her, smirking. She backed away from me and rolled her eyes. "I hope you realize that he didn't do anything wrong. I kissed him back you know." I can then tell she's thinking because she always scrunches up her nose slightly, but what could be going on in that head of hers. "And what is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I ask, acting confidently. At this point I'm sure she knows that I'm doing because she leans herself against the wall. "None of your concern now is it Malfoy." She says smugly.
          "Oh yeah? Then maybe you should be taught properly?" I say with a smirk on my face, walking closer to her now. I now see her facial expression falter and I can see how nervous she is. "I.." she starts as she backs away, before saying again. "Teach me what! What are you on about??" She says upset with me, I then lean close to her and kiss her lips softly, holding her face.
                                Snape's POV
         I had heard some voices as I was walking to go talk to Professor Lockhart so I had decided to see what they were and then I watched Draco kiss y/n and my heart broke. The one girl I had shared my kiss with now kissing someone else. I was angry, sad and confused all at the same time. I quickly walked off before either of them could see me.
          'Wow, what an idiot.' I thought to myself for thinking anyone could ever actually want only me. Or even someone remotely close to me.
                                  Y/n's POV
        As soon as his lips touched mine, I froze. I didn't know what to do, but soon I finally realized what was going on and I shoved him away from me. I wiped my lips quickly. "Why the hell.." I started before shaking my head. "EW! Get away from me! We're friends! Only friends!" I yelled at him, breathing slightly heavily from being overwhelmed. I could tell he looked hurt, but he quickly changed it for being all smug and thinking he was the best person in the world. That's when I finally understood what Professor Snape was saying. DRACO LIKES ME!!

His Little WitchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora