Am I crazy?

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                                   Y/n's POV
          It took me a while to think about his words, but I couldn't help but feel intrigued at his attitude change. What's happening to me? What is he doing to my mind. Ever since I met him, ever since that day we made eye contact, his brown eyes, their stuck in my head. His lips, those soft, perfect pink lips. Ah what I would give to kiss him again.
          "And what are you thinking about?" Draco teased, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, looking at him. "None of your business Malfoy." I say and continue to read my book, or rather skim through the pages of Tom Riddles diary. Draco grabs the book out of my hands and I gasp, going to take it back. "Hey! That's mine give it back!" I tackle him, but he pins me to the floor. "And what business do you have with Tom Riddles diary?" His face inched closer to mine, a smirk tugging at his lips. I got one of my arms free and put my want to his chin. "Any closer and you'll wish you never messed with me." I say, watching his blue eyes. He whimpers and then pulls away slightly and I sit up. "Wow, who knew you were such a baby.." I mumbled, he looked at me. "What did you just say?" He had grabbed my arm hard, but I quickly pulled away.
          "Now that's no way to treat your best friend now is it Dove?" He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him, staring up. "Shove off Malfoy." I grab my wand and walk off. Today would be different, I would finally open the chamber with Snape, we would finally figure out what Tom is up too. I walked around the halls for a while, sitting against a wall, looking and carefully reading the pages of the diary with nothing in them, picturing words on the paper in my mind before being snapped out of it by a voice.
          "And what might you be doing here at this hour Miss y/l/n" I hear a certain dark-haired Professor say. I quickly turned my attention to him, swallowing hard. "I.. I've been trying to think of how to get in contact with him again. I'm not so sure my plan will work as I anticipated ." I say softly. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "You doubt yourself quite a lot. Although that may be true and you will fail, you don't know until you try." I look at him, not sure what to say or even what to do. "Professor, can I ask you something?" I say as I close the book and stand up, holding it to my chest. "Did you really mean what you said the other night about that kiss? That I imagined it?" He looked at me and a small smiles tugged at his lips. "You think too much." He says simply. "Although, that doesn't seem to matter. You're with Malfoy. Aren't you?" He asks, the smile gone as if it were never there. My eyes widened, I didn't know what to say or even how to act. I stood there, staring at him in disbelief.
                             Snape's POV
          I watched her stare at me. I knew by testing her I would find out the truth. She wasn't his, he wouldn't treat her right. Sure, he was rich and had everything he ever wanted. But he was a brat, he may be a Slytherin, but he's definitely not worthy of her love. "No." I heard her state and I turned my attention back to the girl before me. "No?" I asked, a small smile on my face now, teasing her. I watched her smile slightly, moving closer to me. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked in a stern tone, standing my ground. "As I said. Me and Mr Malfoy are only friends. But you Professor, you and I.. we have something.." I heard her say. All my thoughts were racing at once, how does this girl effect me? Why? I have to seem as though I'm not effected by her. It won't happen. "I've finally figured you out. I figured out why you're so emotionless all the time." I rolled my eyes. "What would that be?" I asked, staring down at her. "Everyone misunderstands you." She stated and I shook my head. "It's late. You're even out past curfew. Don't be out at this time of night again or I'll give you detention." I had to be stern, I couldn't by any means be nice anymore. It couldn't happen between us. It shouldn't happen.
                               Y/n's POV
          As I walked away, I couldn't stop but think about what tomorrow would bring. The scene played through my mind over and over again, I couldn't get it out. That kiss we shared. I know it wasn't nothing. Tomorrow I'll show him. Tomorrow I'll show him how much we're meant for each other. No, not tomorrow.. tonight. Tonight I have to show him, I have to prove it to him.
          I turned around and ran back to Snape, I pulled him to me and I kissed his lips, I couldn't stop my myself this time, it was aching. I was aching, I was scared, confused, worried I didn't know what he would do. I just wanted to hold him close, I wanted to be in his embrace, hold his stare; kiss his soft lips like I am now. Dance to the melody in my mind, be swept off my feet by the very man before me.
          I was pulled from my thoughts when I finally felt him kiss back, he moved slowly, as if not knowing what to do. The kiss went on for a while, his lips moving along mine. I slowly parted my lips from his, standing on my feet instead of my tippy toes now and he stood up.
                               Snape's POV
          I did it, the one thing I told myself I wouldn't do again. I kissed her, I kissed those soft lips I was longing for. I couldn't help but think of Lily, if she was alive what would she say? What would have happened? I fell in love with her daughter, no. I can't. I couldn't. She didn't, she kissed me and I kissed her back. I didn't know what to do, then I heard her speak. "Goodnight Professor.." her voice, as soft as silk. I nodded and she turned and walked away, I watched her walk for a while before I walked away, walking to my chambers and thinking about what just happened. 'Am I crazy? Did I make the right choice?'
           I then sat at my desk, writing on a spare piece of parchment I found, not being able to stop the thoughts in my head. 'Trapped within the heart of another, the heart, the mind, trapped within the depths of love is where I lay'

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