Chapter 6

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"There she is," Tim's unhindered boom echoed through the kitchen.

"Timmy, you're here early. I'm touched." The surprise of his presence shook me, causing me to glance at the stove clock, fearing that perhaps I had fallen back asleep. The harsh green lights blared 8:36 am.

"He comes for the food," Mary teased in a warm motherly tone.

"I come for the company; I stay for the food," Tim protested.

"Well, it looks like you've had a lot of company," I teased as I tapped his expanding waistline.

"Wow, leading with a fat joke," Tim glowered before continuing to eat.

"I'd feel bad if you hadn't just shoved an entire pancake in your mouth." I stole a strawberry from his plate as I spoke.

"It was bite-size," he shrugged.

"Oh honey, a pancake the size of my hand is not bite-sized," Mary teased.

"Careful, we may need to bring back the Billy-goat nickname," I cautioned with a smile.

"You eat one napkin, and no one lets you forget it," Tim shook his head. "So, how's our lovesick boy?"

Mary shrugged, "still asleep."

"Wait? Billy?" I looked between their faces.

Mary and Tim exchanged loaded looks.

"What happened?" I pressed.

"Billy picked you up last night, right?" The confusion caused the creases between Tim's eyes to form a severe V.

"Yeah, but I fell asleep on the way here. It was late," I didn't know why I felt the urge to defend myself.

"Why don't you bring him some coffee?" Mary's voice was falsely even.

"Is he that upset that Ella had to work?" I continued to look between Tim's and Mary's faces.

"Oh, shit; this is Tess," Tim looked down at his clearly dark phone.

"It's not ringing..." But he cut me off with a finger and paced away, pretending to take a call.

"Coward," Mary called after him.

"Mary, what's going on?" I pleaded.

"Nothing, go bring Billy some coffee. You're the only one that can wake him without riling the monster in him." She slid a cup of coffee across the island to me.

I gave her a long look to assess if I'd get anything else out of her, but I got my answer when she turned back to the stovetop.

It was easy to creep around the new house. It didn't have the moans of an old house; it lacked the scars of life. I climbed the stairs in silence. My soft knock echoed off his door. After a few moments without an answer, I pushed open the door to see him sprawled across his bed.

It was apparent he hadn't comfortably rested. The sheets were twisted and knotted around his torso, and pillows were askew. But at that moment, he had found something close to peace. His face was serene, and his lips were slightly parted. They puffed with every exhale. His eyelashes fluttered as his eyes twitched in a dream. I should have left, backed away slowly, and let him sleep, but I was frozen watching him. His chest rose and fell in a consistent, soothing manner. Only minor ticks sent sparks of electricity coursing through his muscles, rippling from his neck down his arms and torso. A warm sensation began to fill me as my eyes moved over the dark hair peppering his chest.

Only his lips snapping shut and the gulp bobbing his Adam's apple tugged my eyes back to his face. His lashes were fluttering open as the smell of the coffee stole the quiet moment from me.

Something In Between: Sequel to On The Edge of TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now