Chapter 40

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The evening finally hit a good grove during dinner. Stories were shared, as was laughter. Sam and Sarah seemed to relax in the group. I knew Billy also sensed it when he caught my eye and shared a wink.

"Okay, someone has to take the old lady home now," Mary announced as the conversation began to die down.

"Well, that's our cue," Tim responded as he stood from the table and stretched. "Billy, thanks for having us over. Sarah, always a pleasure. Sam, good to see you. Lil, you were here," he teased.

"Hey!" I threw my napkin at him in protest. "Don't eat that, by the way," I joked.

"Ha ha, so funny, Lilipop. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm sure," he added through a yawn.

"You better!"

"Why don't you all come to my place for brunch around ten?" Mary offered.

"Don't have to ask me twice," Tim agreed.

"We know, dear," Tess poked.

"Sounds great, mom," Billy added as he also stood and held out a hand to Mary to help her stand.

As often as Billy was a gentleman, it still pulled a smile to my face.

"Mary, it was so good to see you." I stood and hugged her. "I look forward to catching up more!"

"I'm going to walk my mom out; I'll be right back," Billy murmured to Sarah before bending to kiss her cheek.

Once the group had left, Sam, Sarah, and I were left in awkward silence.

"So, Lily, tell me how you and Billy met." Sarah broke the silence.

"Oh, well; he was playing a club in Portland, and I was there," I began.

"So you were a fan?" Sarah prodded.

"Not really. I was there to break up with my boyfriend at the time. I figured a loud concert in a public place would reduce the likelihood of a scene," I explained.

"Wow, no more concerts for us," Sam chuckled.

"I honestly didn't hear a note Billy played at that show. I was out front afterward, and he was there smoking a cigarette. We just got to talking and became fast friends," I finished.

"That's cute," Sarah gave a pinched smile.

"What club?" Sam asked, trying to build on the momentum of the conversation.

"Geno's on Congress," I answered.

"I've never been there," he nodded.

"Really?" I was surprised; Geno's was an institution. "We have to go sometime."

"No way, I hear it's your break-up spot," Sam jested.

"You have nothing to worry about, my love," I offered as I leaned in for a kiss.

"You two are adorable," Sarah noted from across the table.

I pulled away from Sam and mumbled an apology.

"Don't be. It sets me at ease. Billy had tried to explain you two so many times, but I have to admit, I get jealous when he talks about you sometimes," Sarah admitted.

"Same," Sam eagerly agreed.

"It's like they have their own social construct or something. It's so intimidating," Sarah added.

"And that room," Sam continued.

"I know. Have you ever heard them argue?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, they'll cuss each other out, and then the next minute, they're fine. How does that work?" Sam piled on.

Something In Between: Sequel to On The Edge of TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now