11. Struck

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Christine jumped and ran towards us but her sister took out her dragger and struck again.

Seriously, not dying has to be so tough?

As you would have already guessed, I was just too shaken to be careful. She would have held her dragger while I was lost in some gazillions of thoughts.

I tried to look back. Leo was standing there, but he seemed paralyzed. His eyes were wide open. His whole body was badly shaking. Poor guy. I guess he has never faced as many life and death situations as I have.

"Now what, sister?" She asked Christine as she charged towards her with her spear ready. "You know that piece of junk will be ineffective against me."

Christine threw her spear at my cosmic thunder, which had transformed back into crown form. In the midway, her spear had turned into a crown-like mine, only a little smaller.

As soon as the two weapons came in contact my wounds healed. Blood stopped felling from my back.

I spun to strike her, but she has simply disappeared.

Though I was completely healed, I collapsed and blacked out.

Whatever the case, I hadn't died yet, which was a relief.

I woke up in another room, which was not any grander than mine, but it seemed like it has been arranged for the stay of the president marshal post of the PUA(which came to work my last birthday, so remember that quite well).

There was a lot of furniture, a library with a million books (even my library wasn't that full) and a lot of weapons and other things. There was an awesome physical laptop there as well (I have seen a lot of laptops, but physical ones still fascinate me.).

"So you finally woke up." Christine was reading a book and drinking something (Anse's coffee, probably) beside my bed, with her ankle transparent and below the floor.

"Christine I'm so sorry..."

"What for? It wasn't your mistake. You were doing your job."

"Where am I?"

"In my room. I don't want anyone to rise in rebellion."

"How, exactly?"

"You know what is the punishment for going against your team, whatever the case?"




"You will be thrown out of the army. And you know what, this has happened thrice with me."

"Ok, how did you rejoined?"

"Wolf king. He holds the post higher than even you."

"So, can't he let me in as well?"

"He already had, but do you have any proof about my sister? What will the people..."

"Here," I interrupted her and handed her the virtual video recording in my unbreakable laptop stick (You never know).

"So my sister is going to be executed." She said in a small voice.

"I won't take this decision Christine if you won't agree. I will return to my intersection if you will decline. They want my watch. You guys will be safe then."

She looked at me and blinked. "Do you have any idea of what you are saying?"

"What do you mean?"

She held up her wrist and I gasped. It was the same watch as I had, except that it had my signature.

"You remember this?"

CROSS TRAPS: PART 1 (Trouble for space)Where stories live. Discover now