17. The Last Communication

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I didn't know what to say.

I mean, my father wasn't the war type of person.

Father sighed. "Just finish your spacecraft capable of travelling outside the transoid. Tell as few people as possible. Use Arsalan's help. He's my colleague. I will try to track my colleague Leander 2."

"Leander 2?"

He shrugged. "I thought you will be confused between my colleague and your friend."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, the case, he is on Steven's side. One day or other you will have to face him, and it won't be easy at all."

"That reminds me, why did you lie so many times? About Saffric's real story, you not knowing transoid and my mother? And who was the woman at my home? Why didn't I remember anything?"

"Every answer deserves a time. And keeping you in dark is not possible. That is why I lied. Everything that you knew was preplanned. And as for her, she was a mirage, another of wolf king's wonders. Though she thought like your mother, she didn't have the same knowledge. There are a lot of other lies, but right now I can't answer them. You need to find them yourself or earn them. But now, I think this might be one of the last time I will be talking to you in this place for this year. The devices that we have to make..."

"Hold on, we?"

Father looked behind him. "I think these people deserve to see the Earth. And I think you should let the stretcher move behind you."

I looked behind me. A man with a magnetic stretcher was waiting behind me. I looked behind him and I knew that I had caused a traffic jam of stretchers.

I stood aside and let the stretchers pass. When I turned again, father had headed towards a row of computers and was probably doing a little check on the things going on.

You need to leave as soon as possible. Tell as few people as possible. This might be one of the last times we will meet in this place. Create a spacecraft. Defeat 2 maniac, dangerous and impossible to defeat people.

Being a scientist doesn't mean that everything is a piece of cake.

Well, the next day I walked throughout the place, making modifications, meeting the people and discussing special weapons and changes in the army. I didn't spend much time with Christine that day, who was probably roaming in the corridors of the headquarters, which, when looked from outside looked like a huge cement castle. There is nothing much to describe it, just know that it looked like a castle, and trust me, the image that comes to your mind is the right guess.

I also didn't meet wolfram that day, partially because I didn't saw him, partially because I knew he needed time. After listening to the wolf king, I knew that now he had two great burdens on his shoulders. The Transoid and his tribe.

Well, after roaming around throughout the day, I knew I had to decide whom to tell. Leo had immediately decided whom to tell, and he was still rushing to find her (I know him better than he knows me. So yeah, he went to find Ref. Ok, I didn't knew it that day, but when you hear your friend muttering someone's sister's name, considering that you know the someone quite well, you have a pretty fair idea. Ughhh. It's even confusing me. Okay, In easier words, Leo mutters Christine's sister's name in his sleep. And yes her, name is Ref).

I knew quite well who to tell. But I wasn't sure. I mean, yeah someone jumps with you just to save your life, so of course, she is the person. But, for some reasons I am not sure about, I acted a little nervous around Christine. I wasn't as frank as I used to be earlier. Probably it's my teenage creeping in. After all, I had stepped into teenage only twenty years ago (latest medical standards).

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