13. Mission Christine

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I didn't move from the spot I was sitting for approximately half an hour. So did Christine.

Though we didn't talk, I could tell that Christine was plotting something..... firm. Yes, that defines it.

But I hate it when I doze off at the wrong time. For example-now.

I didn't know how long I slept, but I sensed someone trying to enter my dream. I focused on the force, and it felt like the force lost force (Bad pun, I know. No comments.).

"Hello." The voice called.

The voice seemed familiar. "Christine?"

"No. I mean, partially yes. I am her sub-conscious mind. She won't allow it, but I am in the northern base. She wants to tell you to go to the southern one without her."

"Is she fine?"

The voice seemed to sigh. "I am not capable of lying. No. She is caught and captured."


"Prison cells of the northern base. But don't worry. You know what she is capable of."

I can sense the fear in her voice. I used all my willpower to wake up, after asking one last question, which will have to wait.

As soon as I woke up, I ran as fast as I could to reach Leo's room. I went in without knocking and I noticed he was in a deep conversation with someone. I tiptoed to his table and hid there.

"He won't forgive me."

I gasped. It was the voice of Christine's sister.

"I know him better than you. Trust me." Leo said.

I can't bear it more. I stood up and cleared my throat.

Both of them turned, but I was unable to believe what I saw. There was guilt in her eyes.

"No weapons. We can get this peacefully." I said.

"I am sorry," she said. "I was the spy of Christine. I acted like I spied on you guys, but I never actually spied. I gave him the wrong information."

"Why did you stabbed me then?"

"Did you died? It was only acting. Saffric was not trusting me. And he told me that the other spy had an eye on me. I had no option left."

I stood up. "I have to go somewhere, Leo." I looked at her. "I forgive you."

"Plan cancelled?" Leo asked happily.

"No. Wait for my signal."

I ran towards my new just made mega spaceship.

As soon as I entered the hangar, I saw it. A huge black triangle like structure with a flying blaster just below the base. Two huge hollow circles pepped out on the back. There was a huge hinge in the centre of the triangle. I ran towards it and opened my in-built virtual laptop, turned on camouflage and transparency and took off towards northern transoid.

It took 80 minutes to reach there and prepare a mega plan.

The northern base was even bigger than the western transoid.

Thousands of red buildings were in one extra-huge crater (Even this would have been an insult to its size). None of the buildings had windows. Only one entrance was visible. I ran towards it and walked straight in, between thousands of guards.

But hey, there was no problem with me. I was a mind-bender. As soon as a guard stopped me I just toyed with his head and he would let me pass with a military salute.

CROSS TRAPS: PART 1 (Trouble for space)Where stories live. Discover now