15. The Battle Of Transoid

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If it wasn't for the brothers, we were toast.

As soon as we appeared, they didn't notice the brothers, that's why they opened fire.

But hey, they were their generals.

When they saw their generals, they turned their charged weapons, and at least took down a few hundred bad guys and nasty weapons.

Before they could process what they were seeing, a charged gun cleared a few soldiers, which gave me enough for me to cause a few blasts to give us enough space and a smokescreen to run.

But that didn't stop the enemy. Though I was running unnaturally fast, the bomber also had an unnaturally good aim. I ran zigzagging, with a desperate try to protect myself, but it was of no use. I glanced at my friends and noticed that they were having the same problem.

And that sight was the last one I needed. I turned back and noticed three automatic blaster guns sitting on the wall. They fired so fast that I was literally not able to see them. An army was also gaining upon us with all sorts of ranged weapons. I charged towards them.

The army stood still for a second astonished.

Astonished. That word rang in my mind.

They weren't attacking because they were astonished- or more accurate, confused. That gave me the chance. I need to confuse them again if I wanted to win.

"Crazy idea," I muttered to myself.

And I formed a quick smoke screen again.

I started fiddling with my watch and the cosmic thunder. Suddenly bombs started raining on me again. But now I had no smokescreen. Cosmic thunder was already into pieces. This time, there were no two options. I had to work faster.

Bombs rained on me. I continuously changed my position, but with the corner of my eye, I noticed the army charging towards me. I worked so furiously, that for the first time in my life, I was worried that my experiment won't go wrong. Because if it will, there was no return.

Just as soon as the army got ready to press the trigger, I slipped the watch on my wrist.

It had a beautiful gem (which was not a gem at all, but I guess you guys won't understand) and had a silver body with spinning rings around it.

Before the army could fire, I closed my eyes and spun the top ring in the opposite direction. The rings below it gained momentum as the upper ring stopped. I hoped I hadn't turned it too much or I had made it wrong because if I had, I would be a case worse than Saffric (In disease).

I finally got the courage to open my eyes. Then army in front of me was frozen, with their jaws wide open. I looked towards my left, and I could bet that my eyes gleamed with hope. Beside me stood five replicas of mine, or five me myself. I had just made the impossible real ring of Gemini in less than nine minutes.

"So," I said. "Destruction for the enemy?"

And all of them charged.

I finally had a little time to look around.

Around me, the tower was already under siege. Christine's sister soared in the sky with her dragon, lashing and destroying enemy flying crafts. Leo was driving my spacecraft and was operating three more single-user crafts. Leander and Cleander were confusing enemy armies and fighting alone, and Christine was guiding a small but powerful army between the sea of enemies.

Wolfram, wolf king and their tribe was guarding the towers, which was badly under siege. I knew then that the only way to win was to send myselves on each side.

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