5. Bad guy

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"I am tired, Steve." He told my grandfather. "I need a rest."

I was standing at the foot of the doors, looking at something written on the steps.

"So sir, what could I do?" Grandpa asked.

"I want your grandson to kill me and become the new master." He told him and then started staring at me. He raised a dragger and asked me, "Do you agree?"

"Hey bro, I am not so foolish," I told him. Then I slid open a secret panel from below the steps. It revealed a velvet cloth spread on the base of the hidden compartment. "And I am literate. And I could read. Plus, you think you would tell me that, Hey, want to become a superhero? I am tired of my job. And I would believe it?"

"You could read what is written here?" My grandpa asked, completely flabbergasted.

Even the master started staring at me. "I should have chosen one of you two!" He told my grandfather and father. "I was foolish to wait!"

"I don't like when he changes languages like that." My grandpa told me.

"Wait for a second." I looked around. "He is speaking simple English and the language written here is simple English. What the Transoid is the matter?" (Hey, I have some cool exclamations.)

Everyone stared at me.

Finally, wolfram spoke in a commanding voice as he pointed towards the steps:" Read what is written here, Apollo"



"Correct!" Wolfram gasped. "You just read the words of the 7 elders!"

"Seven elders?"

"The representatives of the seven elder, Solid, liquid, gas, mind, transoid, space and time." My grandpa corrected.

"WHAT?" I asked.

"To become a master, you must be able to control these using this stone." Wolfram produced a stone from beneath his fur. I wondered what else would he be hiding there (Probably a parachute?).


"You become a master. But these are the words of the future. Saffric was unable to control any of these. That is why he is behind the watch of time." Wolfram told me.

"One more thing, how can time, sorry, any of these be controlled?"

"Time cannot be controlled, but passing through a circle of time, that could kill you. My watch and this stone have the ability to stop that from happening. Imagine, someone dies and you go back and bring him from the past. That way the population will be endless. And-" My father told me.

"Let's get back to the matter. You want to become a master or not?" The master interrupted.

"You think I am a fool," I asked. "You want me to kill you want to show that you have come back from time. This is not dragger. It's actually a super healing equipment! And this empty compartment used to hold it. And as for why no one knew, I guess very rare people are able to read this?"

"Yes," Wolfram told me.

I turned towards him. But he had already disappeared.

"Where in the name of Hades is he?" I asked.

"Can you please stop this mythological stuff speaking, please," Leo requested.

He appeared right behind me. And tossed me aside.

CROSS TRAPS: PART 1 (Trouble for space)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ