14. Brothers

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"Cleander, now it's your turn to decide. Saffric or me, fully," I said.

Cleander glanced between us.

Then he eyed me as if dwelling in my brain (which he was doing). I grabbed Christine's hand and took a step back. But I still let out all my feelings and the truth.

Christine stood on her position firmly. And I knew that though Cleander was staring at me, he was checking every person's mind.

Finally, he smiled and sighed at me. "My sister really trusts you, and that's like, impossible. I am on your side. You win."

Oh my gosh. This seemed so easy. Unlike, well, everything in my life.

I turned towards Saffric. I knew he has lost one of his most powerful players.

He screamed, "Attack!"

"Cleander, Christine- come closer- now!"

They did, which was a wise choice. They defended themselves with their crown-shields.

"You sure?" Cleander asked, after double checking my mind. "I am the fury, let me fight. Your plan is dangerous."

"I am not going to lose anyone." I glanced at Christine, who was standing in the centre of bravely. "You know what to do, Cleander."

He nodded. "Take care."

And he dashed off.

I ducked behind Christine's shield and handed her my sceptre.

"Are you mad?" She asked me.

"Concentrate on nuclear rays. They will protect you." I told her.

She glared at me. "What are you going to do?"

I smiled. "Just wait and watch."

And I jumped and turned into a nuclear supernova.


I woke up on my ship.

"That was... Awesome." Cleander told me. He was standing near the door.

"Correction," Christine said, "That was stupid."

I sat up. Blood had stopped flowing from Christine's hand, but it seemed like she hadn't tended her shoulder wound because blood was still flowing from there.

"You are hurt," I told her. "I am sorry."

"Hey, Apollo. It wasn't your fault." Christine told me.

"Shut up" I glanced at Cleander. He spoke something in my mind and walked away.

"What happened?" Christine asked.

"I guess I am not good at hearing mind speeches," I admitted.

I looked around. A first aid kit lay on a table beside me.

"Take care of yourself as well," I told her and handed her the box.

She smiled and walked out of the room.

I was dead worried about Leo. And I meant it. I just hoped that Saffric had delayed the attack, but I knew better. The last one was too hard to bear. And now, the force will be one whole.

I actually heard what Cleander told me. But it was way too bad.

After Cleander has disappeared, Saffric will tell Leander I have killed his brother, and he will become faithful to Saffric. That is why their main target is- Cleander.

CROSS TRAPS: PART 1 (Trouble for space)Where stories live. Discover now